Studying without a High School Diploma

In accordance with the guiding principle of  Open University, it is possible to study in Lower Saxony and therefore also at Osnabrück University without a general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) if you have the appropriate school or vocational qualifications. The basis for this is  § 18 of the Lower Saxony Higher Education Act (NHG).

In Lower Saxony, graduating from a  vocational college - without a second foreign language - qualifies students to study a specific subject or group of subjects at universities and therefore also to study at Osnabrück University.

The specific courses of study for which access is granted are determined directly by the respective subject area of the vocational secondary school attended. Which subject areas and subjects are "suitable" in Lower Saxony can be found in the  overview of possible study subjects with a subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification from the Coordination Office for Study Information and Advice Lower Saxony.

The following information provides detailed information on which degree programs can be studied at Osnabrück University with a vocational high school diploma obtained in and outside of Lower Saxony without a second foreign language or with a subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification. Please also refer to the  information provided by the  education ministries of the individual federal states.

 Agriculture, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology

 Nutrition and Domestic Management


 Health and Social Studies - without a further major

 Health and Social Studies - major Health and Care

 Health and Social Studies - major Social Studies/Social Education


 Business and Administration

A vocational university entrance qualification also enables you to study.

A general entrance qualification is awarded to master craftsmen, state-recognized technicians/business administrators and holders of recognized further education qualifications. You can  study in any subject area.

It is also possible to  study after completing an apprenticeship.

Employed people who can provide proof of a three years appranticeship and three years of work experience (full-time) will receive a subject-specific admission authorization. This enables you to  study in the relevant subject area. The qualification and experience must be related to the desired degree course.

Please note that up to 10% of study spots are available in the special quota for qualified students in degree programs with restricted admission.

Contact and Further Information

If you have any questions about studying without an Abitur, please contact the Admissions  Office.

You can find an overview of the complete range of  degree courses from A-Z.