Specialization in Technology
Single-Subject Bachelor's Degree Programs
- Cognitive Science
- Embedded Software Systems
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
Please note any admission requirements such as language skills.
Two-Subject Bachelor's Degree Program
i.a. career goal Teacher of Secondary Education (Gymnasium) or qualification for a subject-related Master's program
- Chemistry
- Chemistry with the specialization Nanosciences
- Geoinformatics
- Computer Science
- Mathematics
- Physics
and (mandatory) one further subject of choice.
The successful professional qualification of the two-subject Bachelor's degree program with the subject Geoinformatics does not qualify for admission to a Master's degree program at Osnabrück University with the professional goal of a teacher, but in general for admission to the subject-related Master's degree programs offered at Osnabrück University.
Only the successful professional qualification of the two-subject Bachelor's degree program in Chemistry with a specialization in Nanosciences qualifies for the Master's degree program in Nanosciences offered at Osnabrück University. In this case, Biology or Physics is mandatory as the second subject.
Please note the possible subject combinations, any existing admission restrictions and/or admission requirements such as language skills.
Bachelor's Degree Program in Vocational Education
with the career goal teacher at vocational schools
- specialization in Electrical Engineering in cooperation with Hochschule Osnabrück
- specialization in Metal Engineering in cooperation with Hochschule Osnabrück
and (mandatory) one further subject of choice.
Please note the possible subject combinations, any existing admission restrictions and/or admission requirements such as language skills.
Bachelor's Degree Program in Education and Teaching
a) with the career goal Teacher of Primary Education ( Grundschule)
- Mathematics
and (mandatory) a further subject of choice.
- Elementary Social Studies and Science with major Physics
and mandatory German/German Studies or Mathematics as a second subject.
b) with the career goal Teacher of Secondary Education ( Haupt- und Realschule)
- Mathematics
- Physics
and (mandatory) a further subject of choice.
Please note the possible subject combinations, any existing admission restrictions and/or admission requirements such as language skills.