Financing an Internship Abroad

Various internal and external scholarship and funding programs offer Osnabrück University students and graduates numerous opportunities for financial support for an internship abroad.

In the following, you can find information about the scholarship and funding programs available at Osnabrück University and further selected funding organizations. In detail, you learn more about:

  • Monthly grants for internships in Europe (Erasmus+ program countries)

  • Funding for internships worldwide (Erasmus+ with partner countries)

  • PROMOS program of the DAAD

  • Funding for internships and practical placements (DAAD and partner organizations)

  • Foreign Federal Training Assistance Act Abroad (Auslands-BAföG)

Several towers of coins stand on a wooden seesaw on the right, while a finger keeps the balance on the left.
© Andrey Popov |

Monthly grants for internships in Europe (Erasmus+ program countries)

As part of the ERASMUS-program, students and graduates (up to one year after graduating from Osnabrück University) receive financial and organizational support if they wish to complete an internship in another European country. They can gain work experience in an international environment and improve key qualifications such as communication and cooperation skills, openness, and understanding of other cultures and markets. The stays are funded in all program countries.

With Erasmus+, students can complete stays in the program countries in other European countries during any study phase

  • Up to twelve months each for Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral studies or 24 months for single-course degree programs (state examinations, etc.).

  • Internships in other European countries lasting two to twelve months each (also several times).

  • Internships within one year of completing a study phase (graduate internships) if the application was submitted during the final year of the study phase.

Advantages of an Erasmus+ internship abroad

  • EU internship agreement between the university, company, and student (Learning Agreement for Traineeships)

  • Academic recognition of the internship, if provided

  • Support during the internship by a contact person at the home university and at the company

  • Funding for any additional costs incurred abroad

  • Support with preparation (cultural, linguistic, organizational)

Requirements for an Erasmus+ internship abroad

  • Regular enrolment at a German university

  • Internship is completed full-time (30-40 hours per week)

  • Home university has a valid Erasmus University Charter (ECHE)

  • Internships in European institutions or organizations, national diplomatic missions and organizations that manage EU programmes are not eligible for funding

Selection criteria for funding are

  • Eligibility of the internship (according to Erasmus funding guidelines)
  • Language skills
  • Performance
  • Motivation

Further information on participation in the Erasmus program

The obligations and rights of students in the Erasmus+ program are defined in the " Erasmus+ Student Charter (PDF, 1.58 MB)", which is handed out to each student before the start of their stay abroad.

All beneficiaries who have taken part in an Erasmus+ mobility measure are obliged to prepare a testimonial/report on the Beneficiary Module at the end of the measure and submit it together with the relevant evidence (e.g. duration of stay).

The amount of the Erasmus grant for practical placements for the project year 2024 onwards has been set uniformly for the whole of Germany by the Erasmus National Agency in Germany (NA DAAD).

The monthly funding rates are as follows:

Group Countries Mobility grant
1 – high cost of living Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Liechtenstein,
Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden
€750 / month
€25 / day
2 – medium cost of living Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus
€690 / month
€23 / day
3 – low cost of living Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia,
Turkey, Hungary
€690 / month
€23 / day

Changes and news in this regard will be communicated to you here as soon as possible.

Erasmus+ aims to promote Social Equity and inclusion, which is why access to the program is facilitated for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds and with special needs.

In addition, students who belong to one of the following groups can receive a grant for additional costs during an Erasmus stay (social top-up of €250 / month):

  • Students with disabilities from GdB 20
  • Students with a child
  • Students in employment (net income must be between €450 and €850 for at least six consecutive months)
  • First-time graduates (both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences)
  • Students with a chronic illness

Please contact the International Office for advice. If you qualify for a Social Top Up, please submit the document  Honorary Declaration Fewer Opportunities_Green Travel Internships (PDF, 194 kB) when applying for funding.

Participants with an assessed degree of disability of 20 or more, students with a chronic illness or students with one or more children have the alternative option of submitting long-term applications for their "real costs" in order to be reimbursed for additional costs incurred abroad of up to €15,000 per semester.

Students who go abroad within Europe via the Erasmus+ program can receive a top-up amount in addition to the individual support for environmentally friendly travel ("Green Erasmus"). You can receive additional funding for up to four days of travel (the funding rates can be found in the corresponding  Erasmus+ grant table).

Green Travel is defined as travel where low-emission means of transport such as bus, train or carpooling are used for the main part of the journey. If you qualify for a Green Travel Top Up, please submit the document  Honorary Declaration Fewer Opportunities_Green Travel Internships (PDF, 194 kB) when applying for funding.

Please do only apply if an internship position is available.

Notes and  Checklist (PDF, 1.44 MB) for applying for Erasmus internships

Documents to be submitted:

The application is only considered complete once the online application and the written application documents have been submitted!

Promotion of internships worldwide (Erasmus+ with partner countries)

Through the Erasmus+ internship program, you can receive funding for an internship abroad and gain valuable international experience. Internships outside Europe (in the so-called Erasmus partner countries) can also be funded via the Erasmus+ program. Scholarships are granted in accordance with the funds available.

Formal funding requirements

  • Regular enrolment at Osnabrück University
  • Internship duration of at least two to a maximum of twelve months
  • Full-time internships of 30 hours or more per week
  • Voluntary and compulsory internships
  • Regular internships, research internships
  • Meaningful connection with the (completed) degree program
  • Physical presence abroad
  • Compulsory internships and internships in the field of teacher training are prioritized
  • Internships in European institutions or organizations as well as organizations that manage EU programs are not eligible for funding

Group Countries Mobility allowance (2023-2024)
1 – high cost of living Switzerland*, Great Britain*, Faroe Islands* €750 / month
€25 / day
2 – medium cost of living Andorra*, Monaco*, San Marino*, Vatican City State* €690 / month
€23 / day
Worldwide funding:
All other countries worldwide
  €700 / month
€23.33 / day

* These countries are included in Erasmus+ worldwide mobility, but the rates here are calculated according to those of the country groups for mobility within Europe (Erasmus+ with program countries).

Students who complete an internship outside the Erasmus+ area as part of the Erasmus+ program (International) receive a travel allowance.*

Distance Environmentally friendly travel Non-environmentally friendly travel (2023-2024)
10 - 99 km - €23
100 - 499 km €210 €180
500 - 1,999 km €320 €275
2,000 - 2,999 km €410 €360
3,000 - 3,999 km €610 €530
4,000 - 7,999 km - €820
8,000 km or more - €1,500

* Travel grants are not awarded for stays in third countries associated with the program (Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Faroe Islands).

Erasmus+ aims to promote Social Equity and inclusion, which is why access to the program is facilitated for learners from disadvantaged backgrounds and with special needs.

In addition, students who belong to one of the following groups can receive a grant for additional costs during an Erasmus stay (social top-up of €250/month):

  • Students with disabilities from GdB 20
  • Students with a child
  • Students in employment (net income must be between €450 and €850 for at least six consecutive months)
  • First-time graduates (both parents or caregivers do not have a degree from a university or university of applied sciences)
  • Students with a chronic illness

Students with a degree of disability from GdB20 and students with a chronic illness or students who are going abroad with one or more children have the alternative option of submitting long-term applications for their "real costs" in order to be reimbursed for additional costs incurred abroad of up to €15,000 per semester.

For further advice, please contact the International Office.

(Only for Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City State, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Faroe Islands)

Students who go abroad in Europe via the Erasmus+ program can receive a top-up for environmentally friendly travel ("Green Erasmus"). They receive a one-off Green Travel Top Up of €50. In addition, they can receive additional funding for up to 4 days of travel.

Green Travel is defined as travel where low-emission modes of transport such as bus, train or carpooling are used for the main part of the trip.

You apply for both Top Ups (green travel + fewer opportunities) with a declaration of honor. This will only be requested from you if your application is successful.

The Erasmus scholarships for internships worldwide are awarded in a joint application and selection procedure with the mobility grants of Osnabrück University and the PROMOS scholarship. Consequently, all applications are automatically considered for all funding programs, so there is no need to apply twice!

Please use the following PROMOS application documents to apply for Erasmus+ scholarships for internships worldwide.

Application documents

Only a single copy of the application documents is required.

  •  Online application (a printed and signed copy will be sent to the International Office)
  •  PROMOS application form (PDF, 270 kB)
  • Letter of motivation incl. justification for choice of university or internship (informal)
  • Curriculum vitae (complete, in tabular form)
  • Expert opinion from a university lecturer (informal), not for language courses within the framework of PROMOS. The expert opinion must be sent directly to the International Office by in-house mail or email.
  • Language certificate* (DAAD language certificate (PDF, 145 kB), TOEFL, IELTS, Duolingo), not for basic language courses as part of PROMOS. Other language certificates are generally not accepted. In justified exceptional cases, the selection committee will decide on the admissibility of the submitted language certificate.
  • Proof of previous academic achievements (transcript of grades, transcript of records, Bachelor’s certificate, intermediate diploma/intermediate examination certificate or similar)
  • Approval from the foreign university or confirmation from the foreign internship provider. (can be submitted later if necessary)


* In the Promos program, the following students are exempt from submitting a language certificate:

  1. Students of the "Cognitive Science" degree program (only if English is the language of instruction or working language during the stay abroad)
  2. Students of a modern foreign language (only if the language studied is the language of instruction or working language during the stay abroad).

If you are selected for funding through the Erasmus+ program, further documents will be requested.

Application deadlines

Application deadline for an internship outside Europe: April 30 and November 30 of each year. Please submit the application documents to  Beate Teutloff as a hard copy.

  • Previous academic achievements
  • Quality of the planned project and its justification
  • Quality of the report to be submitted
  • Volunteer engagement the student
  • Language skills of the applicant

PROMOS program of the DAAD

The Program to Increase the Mobility of German Students (PROMOS) of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. The program is accessible to all German students (foreign students who are fully enrolled can also apply) and is designed to enable shorter stays abroad. This includes study and practice-oriented placements as well as language and specialist courses.

For further information, see  Funding.

Funding for internships / practical placements (DAAD & partner organizations)

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers a wide range of scholarships. Discover the most suitable scholarship available in the  DAAD scholarship database.

Teacher education students can apply for scholarships for one to six months of self-organized internships at schools and higher education institutions abroad from the first semester onwards. Applicants must be enrolled both at the time of application and during the entire internship period. The internship can be compulsory or voluntary.

Please refer to the  Scholarship database for further information.

In this program, teacher education graduates can apply for scholarships for self-organized three to twelve months internships at school and higher education institutions abroad. The internship must take place before the the period of school-based training called the Referendariat, i.e. after the Master’s degree.

Please refer to the  Scholarship database for further information.

Short-term scholarships for internships as part of international study courses / funding for self-procured internships in international organizations or German foreign representations and German schools.

Please refer to the  Scholarship database for further information.

The Carlo-Schmid-Program offers internships in international organizations and EU institutions.

Please refer to the  Scholarship database for further information.

Rise offers international research internships in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, geosciences, engineering, medicine, cognitive science or related disciplines.

Please refer to the  Scholarship database for further information.

Foreign Federal Training Assistance Act (Auslands-BAföG)

Students who have previously failed to meet the income limits are also eligible for Foreign Federal Training Assistance Act (Auslands-BAföG).

Important to know is that depending on the host country, various state offices for education funding are responsible rather than the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG) office in Osnabrück. Please obtain the addresses and contact persons from the leaflet “Auslands-BAföG”, which is available in the International Office.

For further information on the Foreign Federal Training Assistance Act (Auslands-BAföG), see  Abroad – studies, school education, internships and  DAAD Foreign Federal Training Assistance Act (Auslands-BAföG).