Selected University Buildings: A Walk

We invite you to take a walk around the university! Let us proceed from the center of our university through the Heger Tor Wall to the Katharinenviertel. Then westward, up the hill to our second campus. On to the "monstrosity of glass and rusty steel," the now abandoned AVZ building, to the other end of the campus with its rather austere-looking library, on the outside at least. Join us for a walk through the history of our university and visit a selection from a total of over 50 university buildings that are spread across the city center and the Westerberg.
In 1974, the University of Osnabrück began its teaching activities. Its defining characteristic was that, unlike other reform universities, teaching here did not take place on a newly constructed campus outside the city, but in various buildings in the city center and on the Westerberg. From the 1980s onwards, expansion was slow but steady and was highly creative: alongside new buildings, many repurposed or renovated buildings still shape the image of a very eclectic university in Osnabrück to this day.