Nature conservation I Biodiversity on campus

Nature conservation has many green faces at the university. Find out more, get involved, initiate something of your own, get involved. Some projects are already running, please contact the  environmental coordinator if you are interested.

Angehörige des Fachbereichs Biologie sitzen mit Kaffeebechern auf den Holz-Deckchairs im Innenhof der Osnabrücker Biologie
© Dr. Neele Meyer

Sitting greener

We are working on the quality of life on campus. Whether in the lush green inner courtyard of the biology building or in front of the library and elsewhere, we have set up deckchairs and table/bench combinations made of wood. Chilling out desired.

Nahuafnahme von Früchten an einer Felsenbirne
© inphotography3

Edible campus

You will find more and more edible greenery at Campus Westerberg. Fruit trees, chestnuts, ornamental quinces, currants, rock pears, herbs and vegetables. Location information on edible things can also be found at

Studieriende sind miteinander draußen

UniGemüse - Maintaining vegetable boxes

Who wants to garden? Your help is needed. Whether it's planting, watering, harvesting or painting signs. Please register at

Silhouetten von Krähen an Glasscheiben
© Jamrooferpix

Bird protection

Birds dying on glass panes is a sad problem. We would like to improve this. Please report every bird strike with location and time to

Vogelnistkasten aus Holz an einem Baum
© David Dieschburg

Bird nesting boxes

Lots of bird nesting boxes on the Westerberg. Nabu takes care of cleaning and maintaining the boxes every year. Interested in helping? Simply contact us at

Blue, Blue Tit, England, Europe, FAMILY, GARDEN, Natural, Small, Tit, Tweet, WILD, WILDLIFE, Yellow, Young, animal, baby, bird, bird box, box, britain, brood, caeruleus, chick, colorful, countryside, feather, fledge, fledged, fledgeling, fledgling, full, habitat, hole, nature, nest, nest-box, nestbox, nestling, nurture, ornithology, outdoor, parus, passerine, season, seasonal, songbird, spring, summer, tree, wood
© Ian Sherrifs

Ornithological station project

The nestlings in the breeding boxes on the Westerberg were ringed in 2022. By a volunteer bird ringing expert from the Helgoland Ornithological Institute.

Schild für Leinenpflicht
© K.-U. Häßler, Ingo Bartussek, (Adobe Stock)

Closed season I Leash obligation

Signs on the Westerberg campus inform visitors that leashes are compulsory during the breeding season from April 1 to July 15 each year.

Trockene Wiese mit Mahd
© frankggerigk

Dry grassland

The parade ground on the Westerberg campus is mowed once a year. This allows flora and fauna to develop on the dry grassland. This contributes to increasing biodiversity on the campus grounds.

A bed with colorful wildflowers, in the background you can see the archway of a historic building
© Anita Tiedtke

Green spaces and green roofs

The university's green spaces have always been managed in a near-natural way. When planting new trees, native species are given priority.

rain, asphalt, day, drop, puddle, street, water, weather, wet, falling, abstract, background, city, closeup, heavy, liquid, nature, rainy, reflection, road, storm, blue, climate, downpour, raindrop, ripple, splashing, spray, surface, light, outdoors, splash, droplet, river, seasons, life, motion, dark, fall, flood, raindrops, season, summer, texture, urban, sun, park, torrential, photography, green
© Iva

Rainwater management

Rainwater management is currently carried out via unsealed surfaces or with the help of modern systems (on the new buildings). Partial storage and use of rainwater takes place in the botanical garden.

Ansicht aus dem biologischen Garten
© David Ebener

Botanical Garden

The  Botanical Garden was opened in 1984 as an institution of the School of Biology/Chemistry. It is involved in international programs for the protection of endangered plant species. The total area is 8.6 hectares.

Apfelbaum mit Aepfeln

1,000 trees Project

The University supports the campaign of the Haarmann Foundation for Environment and Nature and the Osnabrück Club Foundation. Ten large native trees (cherry, chestnut, etc.) were planted on the Westerberg campus.