University: An Overview

Researching and teaching together with responsibility for a future worth living: this mission statement applies regionally, nationally and internationally to Osnabrück University

Sustainable with a focus on opportunities for all: This task is a central concern of Osnabrück University with cross-cutting issues such as  Greening the University and  Equal Opportunities.

As a place of study with around 14,000 students and as an  Employer for around 1,800 employees, the university shapes life in the city of Osnabrück and also has an impact on the regional economy through the  Transfer of research findings.

Our Topics

About Us

Our profile!

President’s Cabinet and Committees

This is how the university is organized!


Our institutes, teaching units and Research Centers!

Facilities from A-Z

All university facilities at a glance!

Working at the University

Attraction as an attractive employer!

Promoting and Sponsoring the University

Get involved! We offer you a wide range of cooperation and funding options!

Site Plans and Directions

Many roads lead to us!

UOS Internal

Administrative compass for everyday work!

The picture shows a group of five people sitting together on a wooden bench and communicating with each other. They are laughing and seem to be having a good time. In the background are modern buildings and some people who are staying there. The scene conveys a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
© Simone Reukauf

Our university: much more than just a place to study and work! : Campus Life

From sports programs and language courses to a wide range of events, our facilities offer a change from everyday life. In committees, groups and initiatives, you can think outside the box and help shape the university! Places like the library, our student center or the university archive invite you to learn, work and research.