
The PhD/Postdoc Career Center (ZePrOs) at Osnabrück University offers mentoring programs for doctoral candidates and postdocs on an alternating basis. The current mentoring program for postdocs has been running since May 2024. The next round is expected to start in mid-2026.

Mentoring Program "Together on the Path to a Professorship"

The twelve-month program is aimed at qualified postdocs from all schools of Osnabrück University who are aiming for a professorship or a responsible position in academia. The program is also aimed at postdocs who are still in the orientation phase with regard to their professional career within or outside academia. Women and first-time academics, i.e. people whose parents have not studied, are particularly invited to apply.

The program includes the components One-to-One Mentoring, Peer Mentoring & Networking, Workshops & Discussion Events and Accompanying Program & Supervision.

Application - Currently Not Possible

The 5th round of the mentoring program for postdocs has been running since May 2024.

The next round of the program is expected to start in mid-2026. We will inform you promptly about the application opportunity.

Further Information

Postdocs are high performers in research and teaching, but at the same time they are confronted with a variety of demands, high competition, insecure employment and unclear career prospects. In addition, they often find themselves in a phase of life characterized by fundamental private decisions and changes. Women and first-time academics in particular question their future in academia during this time, despite their great potential.

The Mentoring Program for Postdocs aims to accompany and support qualified scientists in this phase after their Doctorate on their career path and in their personal development. With this in mind, the Mentoring Program offers individual support in defining career prospects, opportunities for skills development and spaces for networking, collegial support and confidential exchange of experiences with both more experienced professionals and people at the same qualification level.

In the long term, the program is intended to contribute to strengthening equal opportunities in the academic system, particularly with regard to the diversity dimensions of gender and educational background. This is to happen on two levels: Firstly, by supporting people who are structurally disadvantaged in the science system and secondly, by raising diversity awareness and knowledge of structural inequalities among future leaders.

One-to-One Mentoring

Based on the wishes of the mentees, experienced professionals from universities and other institutions in Germany and abroad are recruited as mentors by the university management and the project management. The tandems themselves determine the content and framework conditions of the collaboration. Possible topics include career planning, informal rules of the game in academia and work-life balance.

In the preparatory workshop, the participants discuss the search for and selection of mentors, among other things. The acquisition of mentors and bringing together of the tandems follows. In an initial meeting, the tandems can get to know each other and clarify mutual expectations. The matching process is completed as soon as the mentee and mentor have decided to work together as a mentoring tandem for the duration of the program after the initial meeting.

Peer Mentoring & Networking

Peer Mentoring is a regular, self-organized exchange within the mentee group. Mutual support with current questions and challenges during the postdoc phase is made possible by the method of collegial counselling. The program includes an introduction to this method. In addition, an informal exchange can also take place, e.g. in the form of a regulars' table.

The topic-related "networking events" co-designed by the group enable all mentees to talk to each other as well as to the mentors and, if necessary, to other invited guests. The topics for the networking events are chosen by the mentees according to the needs and interests of the group.

Workshops & Discussion Events

The workshops with qualified trainers and discussion events with internal experts support career planning, provide impetus for skills development and open up insights into career-relevant topics. This includes critical reflection on inequalities and structural barriers in the academic system.

Accompanying Program & Supervision

The Accompanying Program includes preparation for the One-to-One Mentoring and reflection on the associated individual goals at the beginning, halfway through and at the end of the program.

In addition, the Peer Mentoring is accompanied and supported by a group supervision. The focus of group supervision is on reflection and needs-oriented design of collaboration in a diverse group. Participants strengthen their ability to understand and constructively shape group processes in heterogeneous teams. The group supervision is carried out by the coach and supervisor (DGSv / DGSF) Dr. Nadyne Stritze.

Nadyne Stritzke, Dr. phil., is Central Women's and Social Equity Officer and Head of the Office for Social Equity at Justus Liebig University Giessen, literary and cultural scientist, consultant (DGSF), supervisor/coach (DGSv), editorial member of the journal Supervision. Human. Work. Organization, board member and head of training at the Institute for Analytical Supervision Düsseldorf (ASv).

  • Institutional affiliation with Osnabrück University
  • Interest in interdisciplinary exchange, networking and collegial support among postdocs of different levels of experience
  • Willingness to actively participate in the design of the mentoring program and the collaboration in the group and to invest approx. 1-2 days per month in the program

A key factor for the effectiveness of the programs is the personal responsibility and commitment of the participating mentees. In the interests of the group as a whole, we attach great importance to participation in as many program events as possible.

A participation fee is charged for participation in the mentoring program as a subsidy towards the program costs. Payment in installments is possible. Details can be found in the respective announcement as soon as the application phase for a program has started.


If you have any questions or other concerns, please contact the program management:

Parental Leave Cover

Dr. Anna Katharina Romund

Dezernat 7: Hochschulentwicklungsplanung

Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 52/416

 +49 541 969-4513

On Parental Leave

Dr. Marie-Kathrin Drauschke

Dezernat 7: Hochschulentwicklungsplanung

Neuer Graben 7-9
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 52/412

 +49 541 9694897