Call for Applications LehrZeit

Giving students and lecturers time to develop innovative teaching ideas - that is the aim of the university's internal call for proposals LehrZeit! At the same time, the  quality and qualification goals for studying and teaching (Q-goals) of Osnabrück University are to be implemented: Academicism, interdisciplinarity, profile building and personality development. Just how creative these ideas can be can be seen in the award-winning  LehrZeit projects that have been funded to date.

In order to develop and implement innovative concepts, project groups of students and lecturers are funded annually through a reduction in teaching load or staff positions and assistant contracts. In the  LehrKolleg, the project groups network with each other, with the Department of University Didactics at virtUOS and the Permanent Working Group on Teaching.

In each funding round, three project teams of students and lecturers are each funded with up to €25,000 in a summer semester.

Eine Skizze eines Zählers oder eine Anzeige mit einer rot gefärbten Zeigerposition, die auf ein bestimmtes Niveau hinweist. In der Mitte des Zählers steht eine einfache Zeichnung einer Person, die aussieht, als würde sie ein Diagramm oder einen Prozess überwachen.
© Gerhard Dänekamp

The next call for tenders

Information on the next round of tenders is expected to be available on this page from July 2025.

What it's all about

Interviews on the Q targets

Details on funding

Students or lecturers in all teaching units. A project group must consist of at least one professor, three to five students and, as a rule, one member of the non-professorial teaching staff. Of the total number of applications received, the aim is to fund a balanced number of projects initiated and applied for by students on the one hand and teaching staff on the other.

The funding period is one semester per project group. Up to a total of approx. € 25,000 can be applied for per project for auxiliary staff contracts for the students involved as well as for the following mutually exclusive options 1) and 2):

  1. Compensation for loss of teaching time. The lecturers involved are released from teaching for a total of up to 9 semester hours and the loss of teaching time is compensated, whereby teaching can be reduced by up to a maximum of 50 percent and in absolute terms by a maximum of 4 semester hours per participating lecturer.
  2. 0.5 position for a research assistant to participate in the project. The teaching commitment associated with the position does not affect capacity and can therefore be incorporated into the teaching project as additional teaching.

The loss of teaching time is compensated either by appropriately remunerated teaching assignments, for which a special significance within the meaning of § 9 of the guideline on the awarding and remuneration of teaching assignments at Osnabrück University can be assumed, or a 0.5 position for a teacher for special tasks (with 9 SWS). It is not possible to combine individual teaching assignments with the pro rata employment of a lecturer for special tasks.

Funding can only be provided for staff currently already employed if it is an increase in the number of staff previously employed on a part-time basis to compensate for teaching or to participate in the project. There are no plans to refinance existing contractual relationships.

Students (max. 3-5 pers.) receive assistant contracts for their participation (max. 10 hours per week for four or five contracts) and, if applicable, credit points.

  • Explicit reference to one of the four quality and qualification goals of studying and teaching
  • Possibility of anchoring the measure to be planned in the curriculum (e.g. in a compulsory elective area) and awarding credit points
  • Transferability or model character for other teaching units
  • High degree of concretization/operationalizability of the measure applied for

The jury consists of the members of the  Permanent Working Group on Teaching.

  • Innovation boost with a broad impact, as the funded concept drafts are presented to the university public in workshops and should be transferable to other subjects/courses of study if possible
  • At the end of the project funding period, an evaluation or comparable Quality Assurance measure is carried out