Strategic goals of Internationalization

Our internationalization strategy lays the foundation for our global commitment. The strategy was developed by the joint Internationalization Commission of the Senate and Presidium and adopted by the Senate in November 2024. This strategy is closely linked to our considerations on diversity and language policy.

The basis and core values of our international activities are portrayed in the mission statement (extract):

Internationalization helps to promote excellent research and innovative teaching, as well as to enhance inclusive governance and service oriented administration. At the same time, it is a sign of a strong commitment to cross-border understanding, social participation and development, and the promotion of peaceful coexistence.

It is committed to academic freedom both domestically and abroad, and advocates for equal opportunities, a respectful approach to diversity, and offers a shared and vibrant welcoming culture.

Fields of action and focus measures

Our internationalization strategy is based on three central fields of action, each of which is assigned specific focus measures.

In the organization and culture field of action, it is outlined how we are creating an international university culture through multilingual communication, optimized framework conditions, and opportunities for participation for all status groups.

Focus measure Concrete measure Mainly responsible
Focus measure A1: Bilingualism as standard Relaunch of the central bilingual website Communication and Marketing
Development of a university-wide recommendation for action Language Center
Focus measure A2: Clear governance Development of a responsibility matrix International Office
Focus measure A3: Reliable data Further development of the internationalization data portal Strategic Controlling


In the field of study and teaching, the focus lies on the internationalization and orientation of our degree programmes, mobility programmes, and teaching formats.

Focus measure Concrete measure Mainly responsible
Focus measure B1: Teacher training Concept development for the internationalization of teacher education Center for Teacher Education
Focus measure B2: Student life cycle Analysis of the student life cycle with a special focus on recruitment International Office
Focus measure B3: Future workshop on internationalization Conception and implementation of an event on the topic of internationalization International Office

The research field of action comprises the objectives through which we intend to promote research collaborations and strengthen our support services for international research projects.

Focus measure Concrete measure Mainly responsible
Focus measure C1: Complex collaborative relationships Development of guidelines to improve the certainty of action for researchers in complex cooperative relationships International Office
Focus measure C2: Diversity-sensitive appointment and recruitment activities Introduction of diversity-oriented parameters in appointment and recruitment processes Equal Opportunities Office
Focus measure C3: Welcome Service Establishment of a Welcome Service, in particular for international academics International Office

Note for employees of Osnabrück University

If you would like to support us with the strategy implementation as part of the university-wide 5 % rule, we look forward to receiving your ideas!


Malte Paolo Benjamins

Foto Malte Paolo Benjamins
International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/E09
Office hours: n.V.

 +49 541 969-4972