Allocation of study places

Osnabrück University has numerous degree programs with restricted admission. This means that demand exceeds the number of places available and not all applicants can be admitted. The available study places are allocated to applicants as part of a selection procedure.

On the following pages, we provide you with detailed information on the  allocation criteria for first-semester students and the  allocation criteria for higher semesters in the  Bachelor's degree course in Psychology, the  First State Examination in Law [state examination] and  Bachelor's degree courses (two subjects), on  special quotas, on the admission procedure and on the selection procedure for the allocation of study places in  Master's degree courses.

Allocation procedure in admission-restricted undergraduate degree programs for the first semester

Main procedure

Applicants take part in the selection procedure for the degree program/subject applied for both on the merit list (procedure grade) and on the waiting time list and are given a ranking place on both lists. An exception to this is the selection procedure within the framework of a special quota, e.g.  second degree. Depending on the number of places to be allocated and the number of applicants, a decision is made in the main procedure as to which rank on the respective ranking list can be admitted (borderline rank). On the performance list, if the procedural grade is the same, the exact rank will be determined by a service performed and then by drawing lots. On the waiting time list, if the waiting time is the same, the grade of the university entrance qualification and then the exact rank is determined by lot.

For more information, please select the criterion that applies to you below:

Bachelor's degree program in Psychology

First State Examination in Law [State Examination]

Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects)

Partial admission

If an application has been received for two admission-restricted subjects in a Bachelor's degree program (two subjects) - Bachelor of Education and Teaching, Bachelor of Vocational Education and Teaching and Dual-Subject Bachelor) and only one admission has been granted for one of the subjects in the main procedure, applicants can accept the study place for the admitted subject within the  deadline online by "using this partial admission for a new application". Applicants can then combine this partial admission with an admission-free subject. Applicants will only take part in the  succession procedure for the subject for which they have not yet been admitted if they have expressly declared their participation in the succession procedure in the application portal.


The deadline for accepting the study place, as well as the deadline for uploading the required documents and applying for enrollment (registration) are stated in the letter of admission. If these steps are not taken within the deadline stated there, the letter of admission becomes invalid and the study place is passed on to the applicant with the next highest ranking.

Succession procedure

If not all available places in a subject have been filled in the main procedure, the remaining places will be allocated in a succession procedure. Students are then moved up both the merit list and the waiting list. This is done in such a way that at the end of the allocation procedure (sum of main and succession procedure after deduction of the preliminary quotas) 80 percent of the places in a subject have been filled via the merit list and 20 percent of the places via the waiting list. Only those who have expressly declared their participation in the application portal will take part in the respective succession procedure. If this declaration is not made, you are irrevocably excluded from the further application procedure. Please refer to your rejection letter for the exact procedure of the succession procedure.

Lottery procedure

If all applicants have been admitted to a degree program after the main or succession procedure and there are still places available on this degree program, these will be allocated in a lottery procedure. All applicants who have a suitable university entrance qualification for the relevant degree program/subject can take part in the lottery procedure. Admission is decided exclusively by lot. Applications must be submitted via the  Osnabrück University application portal.

Allocation procedure in Master's degree programs for the first semester

The  allocation of study places on Master's degree courses is based on the criteria set out in the admission regulations for the respective Master's degree course.
Applications for Master's degree courses are also checked by the relevant selection committee of the schools for compliance with the subject-specific access requirements following a formal preliminary examination by the Admissions Office. In the case of a Master's degree course with restricted admission, the selection committee draws up a ranking list on the basis of which places are allocated. Applicants who cannot be admitted due to their ranking will receive a letter of rejection stating their own ranking and the ranking of the last applicant to be admitted (marginal ranking). If not all study places have been allocated by the end of the main procedure, those ranked next in line will be admitted as part of a succession  procedure, provided they have expressly declared their participation in the succession procedure in the application portal.
If the selection committee is unable to determine that the applicant meets the academic requirements for admission to the Master's degree program, they will receive a letter of exclusion.

Allocation procedure in admission-restricted higher semesters

In degree programs with restricted admission, study places in higher semesters can only be allocated if there is free capacity (study places). Not every study place that becomes free in a higher semester will be filled. Places will only be allocated if the number of students still enrolled in the semester applied for falls below the set capacity.

For further information, please select the relevant option below:

International prospective students

Bachelor's degree program in Psychology

First State Examination in Law [State Examination]

Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects)