Physics / Chemistry

"At last, concrete is being poured into the ground!" – The efforts of President Manfred Horstmann had finally paid off when, after many years of waiting, it was possible to begin construction for new university buildings. The buildings for Physics/Chemistry and Biology on the Westerberg marked the beginning of the university’s expansion in the 1980s, and it was quite unorthodox:

In December 1980, the Lower Saxony Minister of Science Eduard Pestel, who was also a professional mason, laid the foundation stones for the buildings, even though not all of the steps relevant to their construction had been approved. New budget-saving measures by the federal government, which affected construction projects from 1981 onwards, might have seriously delayed or even jeopardized the construction project. Up until that point, the university on the Westerberg had been located only in the AVZ building. In 1983, it was finally possible to occupy the new building complex.