Specialization in Agriculture, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology

You can study at Osnabrück University by acquiring the subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification or by acquiring the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences based on the school subject
specializing in Agriculture, Biotechnology and Environmental Technology:

 Two-Subject Bachelor's Degree Program

i.a. career goal Teacher of Secondary Education (Gymnasium) or qualification for a subject-related Master's degree program

  • Biology
  • Chemistry
  • Geography
  • Geoinformatics
  • Environmental Systems Science

and (mandatory) a further  subject of choice.

The successful professional qualification of the two-subject Bachelor's degree program with the subjects Geoinformatics and Environmental Systems Science does not qualify for admission to a Master's degree program at Osnabrück University with the career goal of Teacher Education (Gymnasium), but in general for admission to a  Master's degree program in a corresponding subject.

Please note the possible subject combinations, any existing  admission restrictions and/or admission requirements such as  language skills.

 Bachelor's Degree Program in Vocational Education
with the career goal teacher at vocational schools

and (mandatory) a further  subject of choice.

Please note the possible subject combinations, any existing  admission restrictions and/or admission requirements such as  language skills.

Bachelor's Degree Program in Education and Teaching
with the career goal  Teacher of Secondary Education (Haupt- und Realschule)

  • Biology
  • Physics

and (mandatory) one further  subject of choice.

Please note the possible subject combinations, any existing  admission restrictions and/or admission requirements such as  language skills.