Study in any field of your choice
Lower Saxony Higher Education Act : Legal basis
In general, anyone who
- has passed a master craftsman's examination or
- has completed a training course to become a state-certified technician or state-certified business administrator or
- has a further training qualification based on further training regulations in accordance with § 53 of the Vocational Training Act or § 42 of the Crafts and Trade Regulation Code or further training regulations in accordance with § 54 of the Vocational Training Act or § 42 f of the Crafts and Trade Regulation Code, which is based on a course of at least 400 hours of instruction (e.g. banking specialist, commercial specialist) or
- holds a certificate of competency for the nautical or technical ship service in accordance with the Ship Officer Training Ordinance, which is based on a course of at least 400 hours of instruction or
- has a vocational school qualification in accordance with the "Framework Agreement on Vocational Schools" of the Conference of Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of 7 November 2002 (Nds. MBl. 2010 p. 516) (e.g. state-recognized educator, state-recognized curative education nurse - proof can be found on the final certificate) or
- has a qualification based on a state-law further training regulation for professions in the healthcare sector or for social care or social education professions, which is based on a course of at least 400 hours of instruction, see § 18 section 4 sentence 1 number 6 NHG (e.g. specialist for intensive care and anaesthesia care, nursing service provider)
is entitled to enroll in a program of study in any field.
The information provided by the Coordination Office for Study Information and Advice in Lower Saxony can be found here.