PhD/Postdoc Career Center (ZePrOs)

As the central institution for early career researchers at Osnabrück University, ZePrOs supports doctoral candidates and postdocs from all disciplines during their qualification phase and in their further career development. ZePrOs offers crossdisciplinary events to strengthen key academic and career-related skills and provides career guidance. Researchers in early career phases are supported in planning and shaping their academic as well as non-academic career paths.

The aim is to provide doctoral candidates and postdocs with needs-oriented support with regard to the specific requirements of the respective qualification phase and to prepare them for successfully assuming management responsibility in science and industry.

Our Offers

From crossdisciplinary qualifications, consultation and support to mentoring programs and career development: You can find our services in the  Doctorate and Postdoc Phase section.

Smiling woman with glasses, dressed in a formal outfit. She holds out her index finger and points to a black symbol with a graduation hat, which is shown floating in the air.

Address and Contact

Team and Tasks

Parental Leave Cover

Dr. Anna Katharina Romund

Dezernat 7: Hochschulentwicklungsplanung

Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 52/416

 +49 541 969-4513

On Parental Leave

Dr. Marie-Kathrin Drauschke

Dezernat 7: Hochschulentwicklungsplanung

Neuer Graben 7-9
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 52/412

 +49 541 9694897

The Scientific Advisory Council of the PhD/Postdoc Career Center is made up of professors from the schools at Osnabrück University as well as representatives of doctoral candidates and postdocs. The Vice President for International Relations, Diversity and Scientific Qualification, the spokespersons of the graduate colleges, schools and programs at Osnabrück University and the university's internal cooperation partners of ZePrO are represented on the advisory council in an advisory capacity.

University Lecturers on the Scientific Advisory Council

Prof. Dr. Christoph Rass
School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences 01

Prof. Dr. Georg Steins
School of Educational and Cultural Studies 03

Prof. Dr. Roland Brandt
School of Biology/Chemistry 05

Prof. Dr. Markus Spitzweck
School of Mathematics/Computer Science/Physics 06

Prof. Dr. Peter Schneck (Chairman)
School of Language and Literary Studies 07

Prof. Dr. Ursula Stockhorst
School of Human Sciences 08

Prof. Dr. Joachim Wilde
School of Business Administration and Economics 09

Prof. Dr. Oliver Dörr
School of Law 10 Dr. Andrea Lenschow
Vice President for International Relations, Diversity and Scientific Qualification

Representatives for Doctoral Candidates

Sören Schweers
Lara Höttecke
Bernhard Hafer
Kim-Kristin Droste

Representatives for the Postdocs

Dr. Mykola Ryzhenkov
Katharina Graalmann, M.Ed.

Ella Dovaniuk, Ph.D. (Substitute)

PhD/Postdoc Career Center Regulation (in German)