Equal Opportunity Committees

The Equal Opportunity Committees at Osnabrück University complement the work of the Equal Opportunity Representative and the Equal Opportunity Office. Central and decentralized strategies to promote gender equality are further developed and implemented in collaboration.

With the  Equal Opportunity Committee (ZKfG), the Senate has explicitly established a commitee whose main task is to implement the gender equality mandate. The committee supports the central Equal Opportunitiy Representative in her official duties, for example by adopting the university's equal opportunities plan and participating in its implementation, evaluation and further development. In addition, the committee draws up the election proposal for a new central Equal Opportunity Representative.

Furthermore, the committee awards the  Female Promotion Pool, which is endowed with 80,000 euros annually and is aimed at members of the university and supports them with degree scholarships and in the form of financial support for projects to implement gender equality.

The Council of Decentralized Equal Opportunity Representatives is the joint body of the  Decentralized Equal Opportunity Representatives. The purpose of this committee is to exchange ideas and provide mutual support, address current issues, and to coordinate cross-departmental issues relating to gender equality work. In internal working groups, the members regularly engage in in-depth discussions on current questions concerning the university’s equal opportunity efforts. The chair of the Council of Decentralized Equal Opportunity Representatives is Dr.in Sabine Jösting, the  Central Equal Opportunity Representative of the university.

Contact Persons

Jessica Bourdon (she/her)

Portrait of a woman with long, blond hair and glasses
© Stephan Schute

Phone: +49 541 969-4487

Room: 52/508
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

 Short Bio: Jessica Bourdon

Dimitri Gerhardt (he/him)

Phone: +49 541 969-4487

Room: 52/508
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück


Laura Penning, M.A. (she/her)

Phone: +49 541 969-4047

Room: 52/510
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück

 Short Bio: Laura Penning

Related Contents

Equal Opportunity

Learn more about the equal oppor­tu­nity efforts at Os­na­brück Uni­versity.


Read up on the posi­tion and duties of the Equal Oppor­tu­nity Rep­re­sen­ta­tives.


Sub­mit an appli­ca­tion for a scho­lar­ship or pro­ject funds to the Fe­male Pro­mo­tion Pool.


Familiarize your­self with the ter­mi­no­logy used by the Equal Oppor­tu­nity Office.