Jessica Bourdon (she/her)
When I applied for an apprenticeship as an administrative assistant at Osnabrück University in 2012, I honestly had no idea what exactly to expect. That changed when I had the opportunity to get to know various areas of the central administration as well as the school administration during my training period.
Even though it was more of a coincidence that I ended up in the Equal Opportunity Office at the end of my training period, despite my fundamental interest in the topic of gender equality, the diverse insights I gained during my training period proved to be an ideal basis for my administrative work in the Equal Opportunity Office and my collaboration with colleagues from the other organizational units. With every week, every month and every year, the small gender equality blaze became a fire that burns not only during working hours thanks to many eye-opening moments.
During my years at the Equal Opportunity Office, I have been and continue to be involved in the administration of the office with different focuses, such as financial planning, personnel administration, committee work, the Female Promotion Pool and workshop planning. Since 2021, I have also been working on various projects with a focus on optimizing the university's administrative processes from an equality perspective.
Jessica Bourdon (she/her)

Phone: +49 541 969-4487
Room: 52/508
Equal Opportunity Office
Neuer Graben 7/9
49074 Osnabrück