Philosophy - Dual-Subject Bachelor

In the study of philosophy, students critically examine fundamental questions of human thought and action - e.g. “What is a happy life?” - as well as socially relevant topics - e.g. “What are the arguments for (or against) democracy as a form of government?”. By learning philosophical methods, students also develop skills that are of considerable benefit in almost all areas of life and career paths: analyzing and understanding complex issues, communicating clearly and convincingly both verbally and in writing, and making creative and astute judgments.

In the dual-subject Bachelor, you study two core subjects or combine a major subject with a minor subject. Philosophy is offered as a core and minor subject. Please note the valid  subject combinations.

This subject cannot be studied with the aim of becoming a teacher.


Standard period of study:
6 semesters
Language of instruction:
Start of studies:
winter semester

Learning and practicing coherent argumentation, constructive discussion and critical thinking is what the study of philosophy is all about. This happens above all in the context of lively seminars in which small groups of students analyze, interpret and evaluate exciting philosophical views and texts in joint discussion.

Philosophy students enjoy a great deal of freedom in arranging their timetables and can choose courses on both classical and highly topical philosophical subjects from a wide and varied range of courses each semester according to their own interests. Our  course trailers - short videos in which the respective teaching staff present their courses each semester - offer a more detailed insight into the courses on offer.

The Institute of Philosophy at Osnabrück University is comparatively small, which enables intensive, personal support for students. The distances are short and meetings are uncomplicated: All offices, the student council room and the administrative office are located on the same corridor in a building on Westerberg, where most courses also take place.

The  student advisory service will be happy to answer any further questions about the special features of studying philosophy in Osnabrück.

The wide range of skills acquired in a philosophy degree qualify graduates for a broad spectrum of different professions. In addition to traditional fields of work such as science and education, publishing, journalism, art and culture, media, etc., there are many other sectors that are increasingly interested in philosophy graduates, such as the consulting industry, the PR sector or start-ups. Quite a few philosophy graduates also seek their own niche in self-employment or as freelancers.

The further careers of philosophy graduates are very diverse overall and are difficult to lump together. However, one thing is certain: the cliché of philosophy as a "breadless art" is far from true these days, as the following informative  blog post on "Jobs for philosophers" shows.

We will be happy to advise you before and during your studies on your professional and academic prospects after graduation.

Philosophy is offered as a core and minor subject as part of the dual-subject Bachelor's degree program and must be combined with another subject. Here you will find an overview of the valid  subject combinations.

During your studies, you will not only focus on your two chosen subjects, but also supplement them with content from  interdisciplinary professional skills development. Depending on whether you are aiming for a specialist Master's degree or immediate employment after completing your Bachelor's degree, a different profile will apply to you.


Every degree has sets of regulations which govern access, admissions, examinations and the structure of the program. More concrete information on the structure of the program is provided here:

Study Program Plans

Study program plans are an example of how the degree program may be structured.

Core subject - 63 Credit Points (CP):


Methods of Philosophy I

9 CP

Practical Philosophy

9 CP

History of Philosophy

9 CP


Theoretical Philosophy

9 CP


Logic and Argumentation

9 CP


Free elective area

18 CP


Area of specialization*

7 or 14 CP


Bachelor's thesis - 12 CP

The Bachelor's thesis can be written in the 1st or 2nd core subject

* The specialization in the professional skills development area can be taken in the core subject Philosophy with either 7 or 14 CP.


Minor subject - 42 Credit Points (CP):


Practical Philosophy

9 CP

History of Philosophy

9 CP




Theoretical Philosophy

9 CP

Logic and Argumentation

9 CP


Elective area

6 CP


Bachelor's thesis - 12 CP

The Bachelor's thesis can only be written in the major or core subject

Color codes:

Grundagen Specialization Methodology/ Didactics Bachelor thesis


General information about university admissions may be accessed at  Admission Requirements. The German Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Abitur) entitles students to commence a first degree qualification at Osnabrück University. The term “first degree qualification” refers to a period of study that culminates in a student’s first professionally-relevant university degree (Bachelor’s degree or First Legal State Examination). Information about the conditions that apply for people seeking to embark on an undergraduate degree without the higher education entrance qualification may be found at  Studying without an Abitur.

Applicants in possession of international certification must demonstrate sufficient levels of  German Language Proficiency.

This program is not subject to admission restrictions.

All information pertaining to the application process may be found at  Application, Admission and Enrollment.

German and international applicants with German certification can enroll directly for this subject that does not have admission restrictions. You can find all information on enrollment and the enrollment deadline for the desired semester under  Bachelor's Degree Programs (two Subjects) - open admission.

Important: If one of the subjects in your chosen subject combination has admission restrictions and you are therefore obliged to submit an application for it, you must also enroll for the subject that does not have admission restrictions within the  Application Deadline for the subject that does have admission restrictions!

Please note: different application conditions and deadlines may apply for  Applicants with Non-German Certification!

The examination regulations do not prescribe an obligatory period of study abroad. However, a number of  Options for Studying Abroad are available to you within a range of exchange programs. The  International Office will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Studying at Osnabrück University means you will be subject to semester fees. Depending on how much of your study credit (standard period of study plus tolerance semester) you have used up, you may also have to pay long-term study fees. Additional information on this topic may be found at  How Much does Studying Cost?

Our  Central Study Counseling Service will be happy to provide you with all the information you need about studying, admission requirements and the structure of your chosen program.

The   student advisory service answers specific questions about the course content.

 Cognitive Science - Master of Science
A subsequent Master's degree in Cognitive Science at Osnabrück University, in which cognitive abilities such as perception, thinking, planning, learning, speaking and acting are examined from an interdisciplinary - including philosophical - perspective, is particularly popular with philosophy graduates.The Bachelor's degree in Philosophy provides excellent preparation for the "CogSci" Master's degree, partly due to the close cooperation between the two institutes - for example, students can also regularly attend seminars from the "Philosophy of Mind" working group at the Institute of Cognitive Science while studying Philosophy.

 Theology and Culture - Master of Arts
With a Bachelor's degree in Philosophy, you qualify for this unique Master's course in Germany, which combines theology and cultural studies in an interdisciplinary study program. Students deal with the fundamentals of cultural theory as well as the phenomenon of religion, the diversity of religions and their social functions through to application-oriented questions of education and cultural management. One focus in Osnabrück is on the exploration of the interrelationship between culture and religion(s).

If you are interested in a Master's degree program at Osnabrück University, please refer to its  access regulations, in which the respective access requirements are regulated.

As an alternative to the above-mentioned consecutive degree programs at Osnabrück University, many Philosophy graduates consider a subsequent Master's degree in Philosophy at other universities in the region, for example in Oldenburg, Münster, Bielefeld or Hanover.

This degree program has been accredited by the   German Accreditation Council.