Biology: From Molecules to Organisms - Master of Science

The international Master's degree course "Biology - From Molecules to Organisms" offers a research-oriented in-depth study and specialization in current areas of molecular and organismic biology. The biology department in Osnabrück covers a broad methodological and thematic spectrum, ranging from structural biology and biophysical principles to cell biology and physiological phenomena to ecological, evolutionary and behavioral biology issues.


Standard period of study:
4 semesters
Language of instruction:
Free admission in summer semester 2025
Start of studies:
Winter semester and summer semester
Master of Science (M.Sc.)

Two men in a laboratory fill liquids into a plastic tube using pipettes.
© Uwe Lewandowski

The international Master's degree course "Biology - From Molecules to Organisms" offers a research-oriented in-depth study and specialization in current areas of molecular and organismic biology. The biology department in Osnabrück covers a broad methodological and thematic spectrum, ranging from structural biology and biophysical principles to cell biology and physiological phenomena to ecological, evolutionary and behavioral biology issues. The Master's program offers a stimulating and scientifically excellent environment:

  • Three thematic specializations: (1) General Biology, (2) Evolution, Behavior & Ecology, and (3) Cell and Molecular Biology.
  • Flexible module selection within your own specialization
  • Teaching of interdisciplinary skills in special courses
  • High practical component with a strong focus on research
  • Thesis work in an excellent research environment with access to state-of-the-art  laboratory infrastructure

Biology is at the heart of the socially and economically highly relevant topics of health, nutrition and sustainability. A Master's degree opens up a wide range of career paths in these areas. The range of activities includes, for example

  • Basic research at universities and other research institutions
  • Applied research, development and sales (e.g. pharmaceutical or agro-industry)
  • Teaching in an academic environment
  • Scientific journalism
  • Work as an expert (e.g. state criminal investigation office, environmental reports)
  • Work in museums and zoological or botanical gardens
  • Public health
  • Public administration (e.g. offices for environmental protection or water management)

For careers in research, the additional qualification of a Doctorate is an option. The excellent research environment of Osnabrück Biology offers a wide range of thematic opportunities and  structured doctoral programs.

Study Program Plans

Study program plans are an example of how the degree program may be structured.

Many modules can be completed flexibly in different semesters. A typical study plan could look like this, for example:


Introductory module

2 credit points

Special lecture module

4 credit points

Master modules

4 master modules on different biological topics

11 credit points each


Excursion or internship module

11 credit points


Assistance module

4 credit points


Project work

Two projects in different working groups

8 credit points each

Literature module

9 credit points


Master's thesis

30 credit points

After a one-week lecture series in which all  20 working groups of the biology department in Osnabrück introduce themselves, you can put together an individual selection of Master's modules. Through a balanced combination of lectures, seminars and exercises , you will deepen your scientific skills in these areas.

An excursion or internship module gives you the opportunity to strengthen specific practical skills. The assistance module includes the supervision of Bachelor students and serves to impart important key qualifications in the field of teaching.

As part of research-oriented project work in two different working groups , you will prepare for your Master's thesis in terms of methodology and content. Accompanying literature work serves to deepen your understanding of the topic of your research project.

Thanks to the intensive preparation, you will be able to work on the research project for your Master's thesis largely independently and thus further develop your scientific work skills. This gives you the best chance of completing a highly qualified Master's thesis within the standard period of study.


Every degree has sets of regulations which govern access, admissions, examinations and the structure of the program. More concrete information on the structure of the program is provided here:

A Bachelor's degree in Biology (B.Sc.) or in a closely related subject. Further information on the access requirements can be found in the  admission regulations.

Applicants in possession of international certification must demonstrate sufficient levels of  German Language Proficiency.

This degree course is not subject to admission restrictions in the summer semester 2025.

All information pertaining to the application process may be found at  Application, Admission and Enrollment.

German and international applicants with German certification can find all information about the application and the application deadline for the desired semester under  Master's degree programs (single subject).

Please note: different application conditions and deadlines may apply for  Applicants with Non-German Certification!

The examination regulations do not prescribe an obligatory period of study abroad. However, a number of  Options for Studying Abroad are available to you within a range of exchange programs. The  International Office will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Studying at Osnabrück University means you will be subject to semester fees. Depending on how much of your study credit (standard period of study plus tolerance semester) you have used up, you may also have to pay long-term study fees. Additional information on this topic may be found at  How Much does Studying Cost?

Our  Central Study Counseling Service will be happy to provide you with all the information you need about studying, admission requirements and the structure of your chosen program.

If you have any questions about the course, access requirements and course content, please contact the  Osnabrück Biology Student Advisory Service.

For further information on the degree program, you can also contact the students in the  Osnabrück Biology Student Council.