Business Administration - Master of Science

The Master's degree program in Business Administration in Osnabrück offers an attractive, cutting-edge education in terms of both research and practice. It allows students to develop a profile with extensive elective options from the very first semester.


Standard period of study:
4 semesters
Language of instruction:
German, partly English
Start of studies:
Winter semester and summer semester
Master of Science (M.Sc.)

View from behind over rows of seats in a lecture hall towards students.
© Simone Reukauf

The Master's degree program in Business Administration at Osnabrück University is an attractive, cutting-edge course in terms of both research and practice. It allows students to develop a profile with extensive elective options from the very first semester. Building on a first Bachelor's degree in Business Administration and Economics, the subject can be studied in the Master's degree with one of three possible specializations. The Accounting, Finance and Taxation specialization focuses on external and internal corporate accounting (accounting, controlling), including the consideration of tax aspects and the area of finance. The Information Systems specialization focuses on information management in companies. As a third option, the Management specialization deepens and expands knowledge and skills in the three core areas of corporate management: the derivation of successful strategies based on market analyses, the organization and management of corporate structures and processes, and the selection, qualification and management of personnel.

The Master's degree program in Business Administration is designed for four semesters, has a scope of 120 credit points (CP) and concludes with the degree "Master of Science (M.Sc.)". There are three optional specializations to choose from:

  • Management
  • Accounting, Finance and Taxation
  • Information Systems

Study Program Plans

Study program plans are an example of how the degree program may be structured.

The Master's degree course in Business Administration is designed to take two years, is worth 120 Credit Points (CP) according to ECTS credits and leads to the degree "Master of Science (M.Sc.)". It is possible to choose one of the three specializations:

  • Management
  • Accounting, Finance and Taxation
  • Information Systems

Exemplary study plan

Master of Business Administration (120 CP)

1   Compulsory elective area in the scope of 90CP2  

Advanced Methods of Business and Economics



(optional, at least 40 LP)

Focus in

  • management
  • Accounting, Taxes, Finance
  • Information Systems


Master's thesis

20 CP


Color codes:

Compulsory module Compulsory elective area Focus Master's thesis

1 The compulsory module Advanced Methods of Business and Economics can be taken either in the first or second semester, depending on the time of admission. The exemplary study plan shows the course of study for admission in the winter semester.
2 In the compulsory elective area (90 CP), at least 50 CP must be chosen from the area of business administration and at least 10 CP from the area of economics and methods. At least 10 CP must be completed in the form of seminars. Furthermore, the modules in the compulsory elective area can be combined into one of the three specializations. Overall, the compulsory elective area is characterized by a high degree of flexibility. This allows students to configure their studies to suit their own interests and career goals.


Every degree has sets of regulations which govern access, admissions, examinations and the structure of the program. More concrete information on the structure of the program is provided here:

The access requirement is a Bachelor's degree of at least 180 CP in a suitable or closely related degree program. The Master's admission regulations contain detailed information on the content requirements that must be fulfilled.

In particular

  • 15 CP in mathematics, statistics or econometrics and
  • 12 CP in the field of microeconomics (including decision theory) and its applications and
  • 30 CP from the business administration subject areas of corporate accounting, investment and financing, sales management, organization and human resources management

must be demonstrated.

In addition, English language skills at level B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) and German language skills - important for international applicants with foreign certificates - must be available. The details are also regulated by the admission regulations.

Important: A permanent Internet address for the module descriptions of the completed Bachelor's degree program must be provided with the application (in the case of foreign module descriptions, translations into German or English must be provided). If no internet address can be provided, a corresponding pdf file must be uploaded. The application cannot be processed without up-to-date module descriptions.

An application can already be made if the Bachelor's degree program is about to be completed (proof of 150 CP).

Further information on the access requirements can be found in the  admission regulations.

Applicants in possession of international certification must demonstrate sufficient levels of  German Language Proficiency.

This program is not subject to admission restrictions.

All information pertaining to the application process may be found at  Application, Admission and Enrollment.

German and international applicants with German certification can find all information about the application and the application deadline for the desired semester under  Master's degree programs (single subject).

Please note: different application conditions and deadlines may apply for  Applicants with Non-German Certification!

The examination regulations do not include a compulsory stay abroad. A voluntary semester abroad is of course possible. The faculty supports students on voluntary stays abroad as part of various exchange programs. There is an established system for the recognition of courses completed abroad, so that a semester abroad is also possible without extending the period of study if planned accordingly. Please consult the website of the s International Office for details.

Studying at Osnabrück University means you will be subject to semester fees. Depending on how much of your study credit (standard period of study plus tolerance semester) you have used up, you may also have to pay long-term study fees. Additional information on this topic may be found at  How Much does Studying Cost?

Our  Central Study Counseling Service will be happy to provide you with all the information you need about studying, admission requirements and the structure of your chosen program.

Each department’s  Departmental Study Counselling Service will answer any questions you might have about the content of individual programs.

This degree program has been accredited by the   German Accreditation Council.