Islamic Theology - Master of Arts

The Master's degree course in Islamic Theology follows on from the Bachelor's degree course of the same name and offers interested students an academic consolidation of the skills and knowledge they acquired during their Bachelor's degree. The Master's degree course basically offers a choice between two subject orientations: The theological perspective offers an academic specialization in the classical core disciplines of dogmatics, philosophy, Sufism, Islamic law as well as Quran and Hadith studies. As an alternative, a decidedly community pedagogical and pastoral specialization is offered. This offers the opportunity to pursue pressing questions about the connection between theory and practice in the everyday lives of believers.


Standard period of study:
4 semesters
Language of instruction:
Start of studies:
Winter semester and summer semester
Master of Arts (M.A.)

Bookshelves with numerous Koran books colored blue and gold.
© Katrin_Primak |

The Master's degree course in Islamic Theology follows on from the Bachelor's degree course of the same name and offers interested students an academic deepening of the skills and knowledge they acquired in their Bachelor's degree.

In principle, the Master's degree course offers a choice between two subject orientations: The theological perspective offers an academic specialization in the classical core disciplines of dogmatics, philosophy, Sufism, Islamic law as well as Quran and Hadith studies. As an alternative, a decidedly community pedagogical and pastoral specialization is offered. This offers the opportunity to pursue pressing questions about the connection between theory and practice in the everyday lives of believers.

Both courses also enable students to acquire specific skills in the sociology of religion and are supplemented by an extensive range of compulsory electives from relevant related disciplines. It is possible to take courses at the Institutes of Roman Catholic Theology and Protestant Theology as well as the Institute for Migration and International Studies (IMIS).

The initiation of own research questions and focal points is developed and supervised through specific courses. Students with a focus on community education examine theoretical findings for their practical effectiveness in their final thesis. Students specializing in theology deepen their skills in scientific work in a research colloquium.

During their studies, students specializing in "Community Education and Pastoral Care" must complete an internship (60 hours of internship time). Religious institutions, but also social or cultural institutions in Germany are suitable for this.

On the one hand, graduates qualify for the academic field of Islamic theology. On the other hand, the community pedagogical orientation enables them to work in the field of religious education and pastoral care, for example as imams in mosque communities or in other social and religious institutions.

Other professional fields are in social and creative areas of politics, science and business, in state authorities as well as in non-governmental organizations. The course also qualifies students to work in projects to strengthen intercultural and interreligious dialog, in art and cultural projects, in media and public relations work as well as in professions in the fields of culture, education and society.


Every degree has sets of regulations which govern access, admissions, examinations and the structure of the program. More concrete information on the structure of the program is provided here:

Admission to this degree program requires a qualified Bachelor's degree or a comparable degree in Islamic Theology or in a closely related subject (e.g. Islamic Studies, Religious Studies) with a subject-related Islam-related component of at least 90 Credit Points (CP).

Knowledge of a modern foreign language at language level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required for the degree course, to be proven by recognized certificates (e.g. TOEFL test, CPE test or equivalent).

Further information - also on the required language skills in Classical Arabic - can be found in the   admission regulations for the Master's degree program.

Applicants in possession of international certification must demonstrate sufficient levels of  German Language Proficiency.

This program is not subject to admission restrictions.

All information pertaining to the application process may be found at  Application, Admission and Enrollment.

German and international applicants with German certification can find all information about the application and the application deadline for the desired semester under  Master's degree programs (single subject).

Please note: different application conditions and deadlines may apply for  Applicants with Non-German Certification!

The examination regulations do not stipulate a compulsory stay abroad. Stays abroad are possible as part of various exchange programs at European and non-European universities with which the IIT has cooperation agreements (Istanbul University, Marmara University in Istanbul, Uludag University in Bursa, Vienna University, Sarajevo University, Zenica University, al-Azhar University in Cairo, Al al-Bayt University in Jordan, al-Quds University in Jerusalem, International Islamic University of Malaysia).

 Stays abroad at other universities can also be recognized. Please contact the  International Office for details.

Studying at Osnabrück University means you will be subject to semester fees. Depending on how much of your study credit (standard period of study plus tolerance semester) you have used up, you may also have to pay long-term study fees. Additional information on this topic may be found at  How Much does Studying Cost?

Our  Central Study Counseling Service will be happy to provide you with all the information you need about studying, admission requirements and the structure of your chosen program.

Each department’s  Departmental Study Counselling Service will answer any questions you might have about the content of individual programs.

This degree program has been accredited by the   German Accreditation Council.