
24th Spring School in Frankfurt am Main

This year, doctoral students Lena Szczepanski and Annike Eylering represented Osnabrück Biology Didactics at the 24th International Spring School of the Didactics of Biology Section (FDdB) from March 20-23 in Frankfurt. The Spring School is organized for young researchers in the didactics of biology. The conference offers a platform for mutual exchange, presentation and discussion of own research projects as well as for getting to know each other and networking. Ms. Szczepanski and Ms. Eylering's stay at the conference was sponsored by the Universitätsgesellschaft.

Former funding

© Uwe Lewandowski

2022 : Awarding of 7 Germany Scholarships

This year, the Univrersitätsgesellschaft was once again able to award 7 unrestricted Germany Scholarships to outstanding students. On November 10, the scholarships were awarded in a ceremony in the Helikonensaal at Osnabrück University to: Julius Ulrich (Law degree program), Sabine Spreckelmeyer (English/English), Greta Schnellmann (Education Science/Social Education), Clara Greiwe (Textile Design), Annemarie Jansen (Cosmetology), Lisa Lemper (Mathematics) as well as to one other student.

The Universitätsgesellschaft deliberately awards unrestricted scholarships so that students from all subject areas can receive them.

© Dr. Sven Jürgensen

Love:Sophie letters from the lockdown about Schelling's treatise on freedom

It was a tight deadline, but there was just enough time: the book "Liebe:Sophie Briefe aus dem Lockdown über Schellings Freiheitsabhandlung" was finished in time for the Frankfurt Book Fair. It was presented at the fair. The book, which was sponsored by the University Society, was written during the first lockdown at Osnabrück University's Institute of Philosophy in the summer semester of last year. Lecturer Dr. Sven Jürgensen decided to take a different approach when teaching had to be switched from face-to-face to online courses at short notice: He wrote 12 letters to the students, which he sent out by email.

"I didn't realize at the time that I was already writing the basis for a book. It was only the warm-hearted response from a student that encouraged me to approach Passagen-Verlag, who were very willing to include the project in their program. So while a virus was threatening our freedom, I sent letters about freedom in Osnabrück, namely about Schelling's famous treatise on freedom, to a circle of addressees whom I wanted to familiarize with this important text in this way. The result is a text of remembrance, but also a text of hope."

The letters have been published in a revised version. "I had only sketched out the essays The True Witness about Jorge Semprun's story The Dead Man with My Name and The Thinking of the Abandoned about Martin Heidegger's Schelling Lecture in the summer of 2020," says Jürgensen. They are intended to create a productive split from the middle by pointing out two receptions and perspectives that are incompatible with each other, but which nevertheless contribute to clarifying the relevance of the freedom treatise for contemporary readers as well. The fact that the book was written in Osnabrück is also made clear by the fact that the essay on Semprun's story mentions Felix Nussbaum's painting "Cowering Prisoner", which he painted in 1940.

The German-American artist Maria Bussmann mingled with the addressees and commented on the letters with her drawings. She, who is always looking for ways between the lines of philosophical texts by drawing, has transformed the material through the treatise on freedom and the letters "Liebe:Sophie" and placed the reading in its own light, so that through her drawings, too, the Corona Pandiemie

has also found its way into the discussion with Schelling. In this way, a triangular interrelationship has been created: The pandemic has triggered the letters "Liebe:Sophie" about Schelling's approach to freedom, to which Maria Bussmann has added her drawings and made herself a co-author with her pen.

Dr. Sven Jürgensen teaches philosophy at Osnabrück University and is Press Officer for the City of Osnabrück.
Dr. Maria Bussmann is an artist and lecturer at the University of Applied Arts Vienna. She lives in Vienna and New York.

Foto zeigt Kai Rohde vor seiner Präsentation

Participation in conferences and lecture tours

Kai Rohde, research associate at Osnabrück University, took part in the 27th Annual Meeting of the German Finance Association in Innsbruck: "Being able to attend the DFG conference in person after the long pandemic period was special. I would like to thank you for your support."

From Milan to Greifswald, from Andover (USA) to Beijing (China)... the Universitätsgesellschaft has been supporting conference trips and conference participation by our young researchers for many years - and with great success!
Conference trips, especially abroad, are often associated with considerable costs and yet are an important factor for our young academics to gain inspiration for their research and make contacts in science.
Up to € 19,000 per year has been spent on this area of funding, which also reflects the success of this funding. The University Society hopes that our young scientists will soon be attending conferences and meetings again, as Kai Rohde did in Innsbruck.

Gruppenfoto mit den Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück, gemeinsam mit Vizepräsidentin Prof. Dr. Martina Blasberg-Kuhnke und dem ehemaligen Vorsitzenden der Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück, René Riesner.

2021 : 6+1 for Germany Scholarships

The Deutschlandstipendien scholarships at German universities were launched in the summer semester of 2011 and the Universitätsgesellschaft has been involved in this funding program from the very beginning. In recognition of ten years of support and participation in this program, the Executive Board of the University Society has decided to double the scholarships for 2021.
Thanks to an additional generous donation, seven Deutschlandstipendien can be awarded by the University Society this year.

The scholarships were awarded at a ceremony on November 11 to: Valentina Florez González (Spanish), Jonas Greis (Business Studies), Clara Greiwe (Textile Design), Annemarie Jansen (Health Sciences), Arthur Schreiber (Computer Science), Sabine Spreckelmeyer (English Studies) and one other student.

© ekaphon -

2021 : Funding Awards of the University Society

The Universitätsgesellschaft is awarding the Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prize and the Prize for Excellent Young Researchers for the third time. With these prizes, the University Society would like to honor outstanding achievements of young scientists at Osnabrück University in a special way and encourage them on their way.

The two Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prizes, for outstanding dissertations, are awarded to: Ms. Na Schädlich on the topic " Spiegelgeist. Karl Wolfkehl's German Symbolism. Critical Readings and the History of Science" and Dr. Imke Sophie Tuma-Koch on "The Special Status of Animals in Civil Law".

A special feature this year is the jury's vote for two outstanding nominations in different disciplines. The Executive Board of the Universitätsgesellschaft has therefore decided to award the prize for excellent junior research twice this year, to: Dr. Florian Fröhlich on the topic "Molecular Mechanisms of Sphingolipid Homeostasis" and PD Dr. Andrea Pesková on the topic "L2 Spanish and Italian Intonation: Accounting for the Different Patterns Displayed by L1 Czech and German Learners".

The entire Executive Board congratulates the prizewinners!

© Anna Murashova

Mobility Fund

Osnabrück University has set itself the goal of promoting a stronger international orientation and visibility. An internationalization strategy is currently being developed to implement appropriate measures.

At the end of 2020, the University Society succeeded in securing funding from the Sievert Foundation for Science and Culture and the Felicitas and Werner Egerland Foundation for mobility grants and partnership scholarships. A total of € 105,000 has thus been made available, which can be drawn down over a period of 3 years. The funding is used to finance stays abroad for students and doctoral candidates at Osnabrück University.

Detailed information on funding and contact persons can be found on the pages of the International Office -  Mobility Grants

© Uwe Lewandowski

2020 : Awarding of four Germany Scholarships

"...It's nice to realize when your own achievements receive such recognition and motivate you for the future..."

With these words, Ria Sommer expresses her gratitude for her "Deutschland"-Scholarships.

Since 2011, the Universitätsgesellschaft has been involved in the Deutschlandstipendien program, which aims to support outstanding students at an early stage and in this way supports the training of qualified young talent for science and business. The University Society deliberately awards independent scholarships so that students from all disciplines have the opportunity to receive a scholarship.

In addition to Ms. Ria Sommer, the following have received this award: Mr. Jonas Hörmann, Mr. Arthur Schreiber and Ms. Jennifer Wending.

© ekaphon -

2020 : Presentation of the Funding Awards of the University Society

For the second time, the Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prizes and the Prize for Excellent Junior Research were awarded by the University Society. The doctoral prizes are endowed with €1,500 each and the habilitation prize with €3,000. Even though the award ceremony could not take place due to the pandemic, we would like to congratulate our award winners!

The Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prizes were awarded for two outstanding dissertations to Dr. Anna Bernzen on the topic "Courtroom reporting. A contemporary framework for the work of media representatives in German courts" and Dr. Jonas Richter on the topic "Quantum many-body dynamics of isolated systems close to and far away from equilibrium".

Dr. Thomas Wiemann received the University Society's prize for excellent junior research for his habilitation thesis "Multi-modal 3D Polygon Maps for Semantic Mapping".

Gruppenfoto (v.l.) Frau Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl, Präsidentin der Universität Osnabrück, sowie die Stipendiatinnen und Stipendiaten der Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück, Herr Jonas Hörmann, Frau Lara Höttecke, Herr Arthur Schreiber und Frau Jennifer Wending.
© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2019 : Awarding of four Germany Scholarships

Since 2011, the Osnabrück University Society has been involved in the "Deutschland"-Scholarships program in order to support students at an early stage and in this way support the training of qualified young academics for science and industry. For this reason, the University Society deliberately awards unrestricted scholarships so that students from all subject areas have the opportunity to receive a scholarship, which would otherwise be less likely to be awarded. The award ceremony for the Deutschlandstipendien took place on November 14 and the University Society was once again able to award four scholarships from the subjects of Law, English Studies, Computer Science and Chemistry to students for their outstanding achievements as part of this year's program.

The recipients of the awards were: Mr. Jonas Hörmann, Ms. Lara Höttecke, Mr. Arthur Schreiber and Ms. Jennifer Wending.

© Uwe Lewandowski

2019 : Presentation of the Funding Awards of the University Society

The Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prizes and the Prize for Excellent Junior Research were awarded for the first time in 2019 by the University Society. The prizes were awarded at the central Doctoral Awards Ceremony on July 5, which was organized by Osnabrück University and the city. In the presence of the founder of the Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prizes, Prof. Dr. Evert Bakker, the prize winners were honored on the stage of the Schlossaula.

The two Inpijn Bakker Grunwald Prizes were awarded to two outstanding dissertations: Dr. Benedikt Ehinger's research in cognitive science on "Decisions, predictions and learning in the visual sense" and Dr. Robert Notbohm's doctorate in law on "Effects and limits of institutions of executive impact assessment control - National Regulatory Control Council and Committee for Regulatory Controls in comparison". Dr. Frank Wolff received the University Society's prize for excellent junior research for his important habilitation thesis "Die Mauergesellschaft: Kalter Krieg, Menschenrechte und die deutsch-deutsche Migration 1961-1989".
The doctoral prizes are endowed with € 1,500 each and the habilitation prize with € 3,000.

The proposals submitted were assessed by a jury consisting of academics from various disciplines and two members of the University Council. Overall, the jury was impressed by the variety of important research topics and the high quality of the work of the young academics who had applied for a prize.

With the three prizes, the University Society would like to honor outstanding achievements of young scientists at Osnabrück University in a special way and make them visible to the public. At the same time, the awards are intended to encourage the prizewinners on their path. The prizes will be awarded again next year.

René Riesner, former Chairman, and Janina Majerczyk, former Managing Director of the University Society together with PD Dr. Knut Jahreis and Prof. Dr. Achim Paululat of Osnabrück University
© Elena Scholz

Promotion of the "Explain-OS" school laboratory

The Osnabrück University Society supports the school laboratory "Explain-OS" with € 21,600. This has enabled the successful project at Osnabrück University to be continued.

"The school laboratory at Osnabrück University is the ideal place to provide interested pupils with access to science that complements conventional lessons. The University Society is very happy to support this great project, which awakens an interest in scientific work, provides a first insight into university working methods and research and also enables initial contacts to be made with scientists," says the Chairman of the University Society, René Riesner.

Founded in 2008, the "Experimental Learning Laboratory - Explain-OS" in the biology building at Westerberg offers pupils the special opportunity to explore biological topics in a research facility. By experimenting in a laboratory specially set up for this purpose by Osnabrück University under the guidance of scientists and student teachers, pupils can try out methods of biological research that cannot usually be taught in Elementary Social Studies and Science lessons due to a lack of equipment.

Experimental courses give pupils an insight into scientific working methods and scientific problems."The school laboratory provides a practical supplement to school lessons and contributes to the design of modern biology lessons," says PD Dr. Knut Jahreis, who heads the school laboratory. Over the past ten years, more than 10,000 pupils have taken advantage of the various offers. Collaborations now exist with over 70 schools, including the Gymnasium in der Wüste, the Graf Staufenberg-Gymnasium and the Fürstenberg Gymnasium in Recke.

Not only the pupils but also many students benefit from the project. For example, experiments suitable for pupils were developed and didactically elaborated as part of Bachelor's and Master's theses."In this way, the students' experimental and didactic skills are trained and the newly developed concepts can be applied directly," explains Jahreis.
"In the end, everyone benefits: the pupils' scientific interests are encouraged, the students can apply theoretical knowledge in PRaxis, the schools can expand their teaching in a practical way and Osnabrück University can reduce potential future students' fear of contact and show them its many possibilities. This is also fully in line with one of the three core objectives of the University Society, the promotion of young talent," adds Riesner.

Gruppenfoto aller Preisträger der Förderpreise 2019 und Vertreter der verleihenden Unternhemen.
© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2018/2019 : Presentation of the Osnabrück University Funding Awards

The coveted Funding Awards were presented again on March 7. The awards ceremony was jointly organized by Osnabrück University and the University Society. This year, 37 Funding Awards were presented. Regional and national donors honored outstanding Doctorate, examination and study achievements in various disciplines.

 A portrait of all award winners and sponsors (PDF, 4.03 MB)

Gruppenfoto der Deutschlandstipendiatinnen und -stipendiaten an der Universität Osnabrück sowie ihre Stifter.
© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2018 : Awarding of four Germany Scholarships

On November 15, the Germany Scholarships were awarded at a ceremony at Osnabrück University. The University Society awarded four scholarships through the program this year. It has been involved in the "Deutschland"-Scholarships program since 2011 in order to support outstanding students at an early stage and in this way support the training of qualified young talent for science and industry. The University Society deliberately awards unrestricted scholarships so that students from specialist cultures who would otherwise not be eligible for a scholarship also have the chance to receive one. This year, four female students from the subjects of French, Mathematics, Psychology and German Studies were awarded the scholarship for their outstanding achievements.

The recipients of the awards were: Ms. Annika Ellmann, Ms. Mona Gerve, Ms. Theda Kriegel and Ms. Amelie Lohmann.

© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2017/2018 : Presentation of the Osnabrück University Funding Awards

On March 8, the coveted Funding Awards were once again presented at Osnabrück University. Once again this year, the awards ceremony was organized in cooperation with the University Society. 31 students and graduates of Osnabrück University received one of the coveted awards during the ceremony in the Schlossaula.

 A portrait of all award winners and donors (PDF, 4.00 MB)

Osnabrück University awards more than 20 different Funding Awards every year. Regional and national donors recognize outstanding Doctorate, examination and study achievements in various disciplines. Funding Award scholarship holders are nominated by their professors. This alone is a special achievement.

The public recognition of the Funding Award by Osnabrück University acknowledges the commitment of students and young academics. The generous support proves that many decision-makers from business and society share these goals.

Gruppenfoto mit Herrn René Riesner, ehemaliger Vorsitzender der Universitätsgesellschaft Osnabrück, sowie die Deutschlandstipendiatinnen, Frau Sandra de Witt, Frau Mona Gerve und Frau Jasmin Plewka.
© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2017 : Awarding of three Germany Scholarships

As part of the award ceremony for the Germany Scholarships at Osnabrück University, the University Society once again awarded three scholarships this year. It has been involved in the Deutschlandstipendien program since 2011 in order to promote outstanding students at an early stage and thus support the training of qualified junior staff for science and industry. The University Society deliberately awards three unrestricted scholarships so that students from all subject areas have the opportunity to receive a scholarship. This year, three student teachers from the subjects of German Studies and Mathematics were awarded the scholarship for their outstanding achievements.

The recipients of the awards were: Ms. Sandra de Witt, Ms. Mona Gerve and Ms. Jasmin Plewka.

© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2016/2017 : Presentation of the Osnabrück University Funding Awards

For the first time, the University Society co-organized the sponsorship award ceremony at Osnabrück University. The award ceremony took place on March 9, 2017 in the Schlossaula. A total of 35 students and graduates were awarded one of the coveted prizes. The Funding Awards offer the opportunity to promote young talent and recognize their achievements. The large number of prizes from various companies, foundations, associations and private individuals reflects both the public recognition of young academics at Osnabrück University and their strong local ties. It is with great pleasure that the University Society supports the sponsorship awards, which express public appreciation of the achievements of outstanding young academics at Osnabrück University.

© Elena Scholz | Universität Osnabrück

2016 : Awarding of three Germany Scholarships

On November 15, the Germany Scholarships were awarded for the sixth time at Osnabrück University. The University Society once again awarded three scholarships as part of the program this year. It has been involved in the Deutschlandstipendien program since 2011 in order to support outstanding students at an early stage and in this way support the training of qualified junior staff for science and industry. The University Society deliberately awards three unrestricted scholarships so that students from all subject areas have the opportunity to receive a scholarship. This year, three students from the subjects of German Studies, English Studies and Education Science were awarded the scholarship for their outstanding achievements.

The recipients of these awards were Ms. Sandra de Witt, Ms. Maryna Hebbeler and Mr. Christoph Kairies.