Issue of DAAD Language Certificates
Are you planning a stay abroad? In your own interest, you should have sufficient command of the language spoken in the host country by the time you depart to be able to follow the courses at the host university after a short familiarisation phase.
As the DAAS language certificate is not sufficient for all applications, please note the relevant information on application documents at Application.
Please follow the instructions below if you require a DAAD language certificate for your application and use the attached form DAAD-Language Certificate (PDF, 145 kB).
The language certificates are issued by the lecturers of the Linguistics and Literature Department (Building 41) (Ms. Wright, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Sexson). Please arrange an examination date well in advance and remember to present the Language certificate form (PDF, 145 kB) on the scheduled examination date.
The language tests are conducted by the Language Center of Osnabrück University (contact: Jan-Heinrich Brockmann, on central dates (January, April, June, October, December). Please get informed on Stud.IP (Event: DAAD-Sprachtests für Auslandsaufenthalte). There you will also find the relevant registration deadlines. The evaluation of the tests can take up to two weeks.
French, Spanish and Italian
Students should contact the lecturers in the Language and Literary Studies department (Spanish: Ms. Orta Galindo, Ms. García Sánchez; French: Mr. Calba; Italian: Mr. Palermo) to arrange an appointment for a language test. Subsequently, the lecturers fill out the Language certificate form (PDF, 145 kB).
The language tests are conducted by the Language Center of Osnabrück University (contact: Jan-Heinrich Brockmann, on central dates (January, April, June, October, December). Please get informed on Stud.IP (Event: DAAD-Sprachtests für Auslandsaufenthalte). There you will also find the relevant registration deadlines. The evaluation of the tests can take up to two weeks.
Initially, please contact the Language Centre (contact person: Jan-Heinrich Brockmann, and clarify whether a language proficiency test can be organized. If not, please contact the International Office.
Students who have previously attended a language course in the relevant language at the Language Center of Osnabrück University within the last two years should contact the Language Center. Please present the certificate of attendance from the Language Center for the language course attended and the DAAD language certificate form (PDF, 145 kB), which will be completed by the Language Center without any further examination.
Online consultation hours
Here you can access the virtual consultation hours of Beate Teutloff (Wed 2 pm to 3:30 pm, Thu 10 am to 12 pm) and Laura Rohe (Wed 2 pm to 3:30 pm, Thu 10 am to 12 pm).
Note on online consultation hours: Please wait after entering the Big Blue Button room until you are invited to the virtual consultation hour. Access to the room is granted on first come, first served terms. There may be waiting times for online consultation hours.
Consultation is also offered via e-mail at any time.