Examination Office for Cultural and Social Sciences Programs

The Examination Office for Cultural Studies and Social Sciences degree programs in the School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences has been located in  StudiOS since 1 November 2021, where it is part of  Administrative  Service 5 - Student Affairs. It is responsible for the examination administration of the subjects listed here, to which various  contact persons are assigned.

  • European Studies
  • Social Sciences

  • Art history
  • Art/Art Education
  • Textile design

  • Geography/Earth studies
  • History of Art
  • Art History
  • Art/Art Education
  • Political Science
  • Sociology

  • Soil, water, contaminated sites
  • Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding
  • European Governance: Market-Power-Community
  • Geography: Society - Environment - Future
  • History of History
  • Art History
  • Art and Communication
  • Political Science: Democratic Governance and Civil Society
  • Sociology: Dynamics of social change
  • Economic and social geography

  • Geography
  • history
  • Art/Art Education
  • Textile design

The examination boards of the  School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences can be found under  Study Commission and Examination Boards.

Note: For interdisciplinary matters relating to the Bachelor's and Master's degree programs (two subjects), please  contact the PATMOS multi-subject examination office.

Exam registration : Dates and deadlines

All degree programs in Geography, History, Art / Art Education, Textile Design, Art History: 01.05.2024 - 30.06.2024, possibly deviating

Bachelor's and Master's degree programs in Social Sciences, Sociology and Political Sciences: 23.12.2024 - 02.02.2025, possibly different

Please note the deadlines according to § 15  APO (PDF, 671 kB).

please note : General information

You must submit all documents such as registrations for final theses, sick notes, module certificates, applications, etc. in writing (also possible digitally by email) to  your responsible administrator.

Final theses CANNOT be submitted digitally! You must submit these in triplicatein bound form, as stated in the letter of admission.
There are three options for this:

  • send it by post to Neuer Graben 27, 49074 Osnabrück or
  • put it in the post box at the university's post office (EW building / Seminarstraße), indicating the examination office, or
  • put it in the red mailbox next to the main entrance to  StudiOS, stating the name of the examination office

Consultation hours take place by telephone or e-mail. Consultation takes place during office hours and by appointment with the respective clerk by telephone or online. In matters that require a personal meeting, this is of course still possible by prior arrangement by e-mail or telephone.

Please note the information provided by the separate examination offices for

 International Migration and Intercultural Relations,
 Doctorates and

in the School of Cultural Studies and Social Sciences.

Bachelor's degree programs (one subject): European Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor: Political Science; Sociology
Master's degree programs (one subject): Soil, Water, Contaminated Sites

Friederike Barczak

 +49 541 969 4610

Room: 19/307
Administrative Service 5: Student Affairs
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Office hours:
By phone: Tues.: 11:00 - 13:00 and Thurs.: 14:00 - 15:00
In person: by appointment only

Bachelor's degree programs (one subject): Social Sciences
Master's degree programs (one subject): Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding; European Governance: Market-Power-Community; Political Science: Democratic Governance and Civil Society; Sociology: Dynamics of Social Change

Frauke Köhler

 +49 541 969 4617

Room: 19/306
Administrative Service 5: Student Affairs
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Office hours:
By phone: Mon. and Thurs.: 10:00 - 12:00
In person: by appointment only

Bachelor's degree course in Education: History; Art/Art Education; Textile Design
Two-subject Bachelor's degree course: Geography/Earth Studies; History; Art/Art Education; Art History
Master's degree courses Secondary Teacher Education (Grundschule, Haupt- und Realschule) and Gymnasium: Geography/Earth Sciences; History; Art/Art Education; Textile Design
Master's degree programs (one subject): Geography: Society - Environment - Future; History ; Art History; Art and Communication; Economic and Social Geography

Karsten Rzehak

 +49 541 969 4390

Room: 19/308
Administrative Service 5: Student Affairs
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Office hours:
By phone: Tues. and Thurs.: 09:00 - 11:00 (and by appointment)
In person: by appointment only

 Form for inability to take examinations due to illness (PDF, 298 kB)

Geography; History; Art; Art History and Textile Design:
 Registration forms

Bachelor's degree program (one subject): European Studies
Dual-Subject Bachelor: Sociology and Political Science
Master's degree program (one subject): Soil, Water, Contaminated Sites:
 all forms and forms

Bachelor's degree program (one subject): Social Sciences
Master's programs (one subject): Conflict Studies and Peacebuilding; European Governance: Market - Power - Community; Political Science: Democratic Governance and Civil Society and Sociology: Dynamics of Social Change:
 all forms and preprints

The admission and examination regulations can be found on  Degrees and Regulations.