A view of the roofs of two buildings. The foreground building has yellow walls and a roof with red tiles. In the background, there are more yellow walls with windows visible. A row of bicycles is seen on the balcony.
© Elena Scholz

Multi-Subject Exmination Office PATMOS

The Multi-Subject Examination Office is responsible for the administration of examinations in the interdisciplinary area (core curriculum for teacher education, general key competencies) and for the preparation of overarching certificates, transcripts of records and final documents in the multi-subject degree programs.

The staff also check the access requirements for applications for the Master of Education degree programs, provide support with placement and recognition issues and process BAföG-relevant credit point matters in the multi-subject degree programs. Students can obtain any necessary application forms on site and online.


Here you will find the contact details of the staff of the Multi-Subject Examination Office:

Head of the multi-subject examination office

BAföG matters

Thomas Hölscher

  +49 541 969 6010
  +49 541 969 4688

Multi-Subject Examination Office (PATMOS)
Neuer Graben 27
Room: 19/312
49074 Osnabrück
Office hours: Current advice by e-mail. By telephone by prior arrangement.


Dual-subject Bachelor (teaching perspective)
Dual-subject Bachelor (non-teaching perspective)
Master of Education Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)
Master of Education Specialized Bachelor

Monika Scherler

 +49 541 969 4226
 +49 541 969 4688

Multi-Subject Examination Office (PATMOS)
Neuer Graben 27
Room: 19/314
49074 Osnabrück
Office hours: Current advice by e-mail. By telephone by prior arrangement.


Master of Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule)

Sarah Honervogt

 +49 541 969 4804
 +49 541 969 4688

Multi-Subject Examination Office (PATMOS)
Neuer Graben 27
Room: 19/313
49074 Osnabrück
Office hours: Current advice by e-mail. By telephone by prior arrangement.
Working hours: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday: 09:00 - 14:00


Bachelor of Vocational Education
Master of Education Vocational Teacher Education
Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)

Ute Weber

 +49 541 969 4690
 +49 541 969 4688

Multi-Subject Examination Office (PATMOS)
Neuer Graben 27
Room: 19/311
49074 Osnabrück
Office hours: Current advice by e-mail. By telephone by prior arrangement.

Further contact persons

The lists provided here serve as an initial orientation and are checked at regular intervals to ensure that they are up to date. Please also use the websites of the respective schools.
 List of examination board chairs (PDF, 183 kB)
 List of responsible examination offices (PDF, 277 kB)
 List of academic advisors
 List of dean's offices

In general:
If you have any questions about interdisciplinary examination administration, please get in touch with the relevant  contact person at the Multi-Subject Examination Office.
For all subject-related examination matters, the  relevant subject examination office (PDF, 277 kB) in the respective school will advise and inform you.

Which examination regulations apply to me?

In general, the  examination regulations of the (partial) degree program valid at the time you start your studies apply. If new or amended examination regulations come into force during your studies, you will generally study according to the currently valid examination regulations. Please always observe the transitional regulations.

How can I register for a module examination or final examination?

There are two different ways to register for a module examination or a course certificate:

  1. Online registration via  HISinOne at Osnabrück University.
    There you will find all examinations and course certificates that you can register for online.
  2. Please register examinations that cannot be registered online directly with the examiners.

You can register for a  thesis (PDF, 225 kB) by submitting an application to the  relevant examination office (PDF, 277 kB).

I am having problems registering online for an exam. Who can I contact?

You can generally register and deregister online for the examination or course certificate during the registration period for the respective examination date. If technical problems occur, these can have various causes. First of all, please make sure that you use the  university login to log in or out. If the problem occurs even when you try again, please contact the HISinOne team so that you can get help in the specific case. You can reach the staff at  +49 541 969 6666 or by  e-mail.

If an examination or proof of study for which you would like to register online is not listed in HISinOne, please contact the  relevant examination office (PDF, 277 kB) directly.

Can I withdraw from an exam for which I have registered?

You can only withdraw from examinations for which you have registered under the following conditions:

  • Withdrawal is possible if valid reasons (e.g. illness) are stated and recognized. The valid reasons must be proven (e.g. medical certificate in case of illness). Please use the corresponding  application form (PDF, 298 kB).
  • Withdrawal from the examination without good cause is only possible up to one week before the examination at the latest.

What should I do if I fall ill on the day of the exam and cannot take the exam?

If you are ill on the day of an examination, you must see a doctor immediately to confirm your illness. Enclose the  form (PDF, 298 kB) provided with your informal sick note. You must submit both immediately ("without delay, i.e. without culpable delay") to the relevant  examination office (PDF, 277 kB). For individual examinations (e.g. oral examinations, presentations), please also inform the examiners of your illness immediately.

What do I do if I fall ill during my thesis?

Submit a medical certificate to the responsible examination office (see letterhead of the letter of admission to the Bachelor's or Master's thesis) together with an informal application for an extension of the processing time. The processing time will be extended accordingly if there are valid reasons.

How can I have my examination results recognized?

Please note the  information on the recognition of examination results.

Can I take examinations during a leave of absence?

No, it is not possible to take an examination during a leave of absence, as students on leave of absence are considered "absent". If you nevertheless take examinations during a semester on leave of absence, these will not be recognized. The work is deemed not to have been completed!

It is also not possible to take a leave of absence while writing your Bachelor's or Master's thesis, as these are examinations.

An exception can only be approved on application if  examinations (PDF, 172 kB) are taken  during a period of study abroad (PDF, 172 kB).

If you take your last examination before one month has passed since the start of the course, you can exmatriculate retroactively (not take leave of absence). In this case, your tuition fee will be refunded.

You can find further helpful information on this under
 Leave of absence,
 Semester fees and payment information and
 Information on exmatriculation on your own application

Can I exmatriculate once I have submitted my thesis (BA/MA)?

Yes,  exmatriculation is possible after submitting the Bachelor's or Master's thesis or after taking the final oral examination if all examinations have been completed by this time.

You no longer need to be enrolled for the period during which the examiners assess your thesis.

Can exams be repeated and what is the "joker"?

Information on repeating examinations and the "Joker" can be found in  § 14 of the general examination regulations for Bachelor's and Master's degree programs at Osnabrück University (PDF, 671 kB).

Who fills out form 5 according to § 48 BAföG for my multi-subject degree program?

Here you can find  information on the procedure (PDF, 492 kB) and download  form 5. (PDF, 108 kB)

I am studying the 2-subject Bachelor's degree program. Which degree will I be awarded after successfully completing this degree program?

The degree "Bachelor of Science" ( B.Sc. ) or "Bachelor of Arts" (B.A.) is awarded on the basis of the passed Bachelor's examination (according to  § 3 course-specific examination regulations for the dual-subject Bachelor's degree course). The "Bachelor of Science" ( B.Sc. ) is awarded if the main subject or both core subjects are from the natural sciences and/or mathematics or computer science or environmental systems science or geoinformatics or economics. Otherwise the degree "Bachelor of Arts" is awarded.

I have finished my studies. How do I get my graduation documents?

Please send PATMOS the  application for the final degree documents (PDF, 215 kB).
We can only issue your final documents when 180 LP in the Bachelor's program or 120 LP in the Master's program (as well as any other requirements such as language certificates, study-relevant stays abroad, practical work experience or harmonization studies) have been properly recorded in HISinOne.

The complete package of final documents includes the original certificate, the original transcript of records, the diploma supplement, the transcript of records and three certified copies each of the certificate and transcript of records.
For cooperative degree programs, the complete package of final documents includes the original certificate, the original transcript of records from the university and the college as well as three certified copies each of the certificate and transcript of records.

How long does it take to prepare the closing documents?

You need to allow 5 weeks for the creation process.

Why is this the case?
Once your degree has been generated in HISinOne, your degree documents will be prepared immediately by PATMOS and sent by internal mail to the school where the thesis was written. Deans and examination board chairs sign the originals of the certificate, diploma, diploma supplement and transcript of records. These documents are then sent back to PATMOS by internal mail. We prepare the certifications and, if necessary, print further transcripts of records. You will be informed by e-mail as soon as your final documents are ready for collection. At present, however, graduation documents are only sent by post.

Notes for graduates of cooperative study programs:
Your graduation documents must be signed by representatives of the university and college, four people in total. The five-week processing time is therefore usually fully utilized.

Can I get my final documents faster?

No, it is not possible to speed up this process. All work relating to closing documents is completed immediately by PATMOS. The in-house mail is distributed every day. However, deans and examination board chairs must be on site to provide signatures. We have no influence on this part of the preparation process. In the event of longer absences, a replacement is guaranteed. Please refrain from asking how long it will take for the final documents to be ready for collection. We cannot make any statement on this and will inform you as soon as the documents are ready for collection.

Please note: There may currently be delays due to and on the postal route.

I would like to apply for a teaching-related Master's degree program (Master of Education). What do I have to consider?

Applications for the Master's degree program are made online via the  Osnabrück University application portal.

Places on Master's degree programs are allocated according to different criteria, which are regulated in the  access and admission regulations of the respective Master's degree program. The prerequisite for admission to a Master's degree course is the completion of a relevant professional academic degree (usually a Bachelor's degree) and proof of special aptitude. It is also possible to apply for a Master's degree course if the degree has not yet been obtained at the time of application, but is expected to be obtained during the first Master's semester. In this case, special deadlines must be observed and particularly careful planning is required. Please therefore note the  information on the provisional Master's program.

The documents to be submitted together with the printed application for admission can also be found in the respective access and admission regulations.

If all criteria according to the access and admission regulations are met and your application was successful, you will receive a letter of admission (if approved, digitally in the mailbox of the application portal, otherwise by post). Please read this carefully and note the information on enrollment and any conditions.

I am provisionally enrolled on the Master's degree program. What do I have to consider?

Information can be found in your letter of admission to the respective Master's degree program and in the  information on the provisional Master's degree program.

How do I obtain an official certification of university documents?

Unfortunately, PATMOS does not currently certify university certificates and other documents. In the meantime, please enquire at your local citizens' office for official certification of documents.

Please read the notes on the respective documents carefully and note that some application forms are only available from the respective  subject examination offices (PDF, 277 kB). For detailed information on examinations and examination procedures, please refer to the general and specific examination regulations of the individual degree programs.

The application forms can be completed online and submitted by e-mail to   patmos@uni-osnabrueck.de in the Multi-Subject Examination Office or sent by post to the following address:

Osnabrück University
Mehrfächer-Prüfungsamt (PATMOS)
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Procedural information on the transition from Osnabrück University to the preparatory period of service prior to qualifying for the teaching profession

 Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) (PDF, 464 kB)
 Vocational Teacher Education (PDF, 463 kB) (Haupt- und Realschule) (PDF, 464 kB)

Certificate of achievement and certificate

A provisional transcript of records can be issued for a minimum of 150 credit points. If you have fewer than 150 credit points, please  contact the responsible  contact person in PATMOS beforehand.

A final transcript can be requested as soon as the final overall grade is visible to the student in HISinOne. The final certificate is issued together with the Diploma Supplement, which contains a complete transcript of records.

Please note:
Transcripts of Records and Certificates of Achievement are usually only issued twice per semester. You should therefore choose the time of application carefully. If no sealed document is required, you can also obtain transcripts of records from HISinOne yourself at any time and in any amount.

Bachelor students applying for the Master of Education program at Osnabrück University no longer need a preliminary transcript of records. It is sufficient if you enclose a current transcript of records (pdf) with your application, showing your achievements and credit points to date. This overview does not have to be officially certified.

 Application for the issue of a provisional transcript of records / overview of achievements (PDF, 239 kB)
 Application for issuance of the final degree documents (PDF, 215 kB)

The following applies in principle:

In all subject-related recognition and placement matters (including subject didactics), the  responsible subject representative in the school will advise and inform you.

If you have any questions regarding the recognition and grading of interdisciplinary coursework in Teacher Education-related multi-subject degree programs (Education Science or Psychology, for example), please contact the Office of the Dean of Studies for Teacher Education by sending an email to  studiendekanat.lehramt@uos.de.

The Professional Skills Development Office (KoPro) also decides on the recognition of interdisciplinary key competencies. You can also contact the KoPro by sending an email to  kopro@uos.de.

If you

  • are enrolled at Osnabrück University and would like to change your subject combination or degree program,
  • have transferred to Osnabrück University from another place of study,
  • have studied at a university abroad or
  • have acquired professional skills,

you can submit an application for recognition of study periods or recognition of study or examination achievements.
An application for recognition can only be processed once you are enrolled at Osnabrück University.

Adaptation course for teachers who have completed their teacher training abroad

How do I proceed?

The  responsible examination board (PDF, 183 kB) decides on the crediting of periods of study and the recognition of coursework and examinations. Prior to this, the respective  subject representatives will provide an opinion as to whether the coursework brought along differs significantly in terms of content, scope and requirements.

Proceed as follows for recognition:

  • You submit an (informal) application for recognition and the relevant proof of academic achievements to the  relevant subject representative with a request for review or confirmation.
  • The certificate of recognition signed by the subject representative is submitted to the responsible person in the Examinations Office. You will then be informed about the recognition by the Examinations Office or via  HISinOne.

To be placed in a higher semester, proceed as follows:

  • You must submit the  placement form (PDF, 129 kB) and the relevant proof of academic achievements to the relevant subject representative with a request for review or confirmation. You will be informed of the responsible subject representative in your letter of admission for subject combinations with admission restrictions and by email or directly in the  application portal for subject combinations without admission restrictions.
  • The placement form signed by the subject representative is submitted to the  Admissions Office with the other enrollment documents.

Please note the further information on grading:
 Information on placement for Bachelor's students
 Information on placement for Master's students

General information on the examination for obtaining the subject-specific university entrance qualification "University entrance examination"

In addition to the Abitur, the entrance qualification for universities of applied sciences or further vocational training, the examination for the acquisition of the subject-related higher education entrance qualification after previous vocational training offers a further opportunity to study at a higher education institution in Lower Saxony.

The legal requirements are determined by the examination office for the acquisition of the subject-related higher education entrance qualification (affiliated with the Lower Saxony State Institute for School Quality Development [NLQ], Keßlerstraße 52, 31134 Hildesheim), which is part of the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs.

Registration for the immaturity test

 Registration for the immaturity examination takes place exclusively via the NLQ.

If you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate with which you can apply for the subject for which you have taken the exam - just like with an Abitur certificate.

The examinations of the special part take place from May to the end of June of the respective year at Osnabrück University, so that you can apply for a place for the winter semester after successfully obtaining the subject-related university entrance qualification (HZB). For more information on the special part of the university entrance examination, please contact  Thomas Hölscher.