The Philosophical Café in the Blue Note cultural lounge is dedicated to socially relevant topics, which are examined from a philosophical perspective by the four retired professors Harald Kerber, Reinhold Mokrosch, Arnim Regenbogen and Elk Franke. The format is aimed at all interested citizens, regardless of their theoretical or practical knowledge of philosophy. It is intended to encourage philosophizing and reflection and facilitate discussions between the guests.
Event on November 16, 2025
What does “home” mean? Is it tied to places, times and feelings?
How is the idea of home linked to traditions and their transmission? Where is home considered conservative, where progressive and where traditional?
What does homelessness mean? Can there be a new home as opposed to the old one? Think of the topic of flight and expulsion. “Heimat” needs to be rethought if the term is to unite rather than divide our migration society.
Is home as origin already a kind of paradigm for the world as a home for all people that has yet to be created?