President's Office
The President's Office acts as an interface between the university management and the various organizational units and is involved in the exchange of information. It reports directly to the President's Office and supports the Executive Board in strategic processes and administrative matters.
The main tasks of the President's Office include coordinating and supporting central projects.
It is also the point of contact for the concerns of external partners of the university as well as political and institutional officials and organizes exchange events of the Executive Board, such as parliamentary meetings, networking meetings with foundations and partners from business and society.
The President's Office also supports the members of the Executive Committee in the performance of their duties. This includes the coordination of the university management's appointments as well as their preparation and follow-up in terms of content and organization as well as the organization and coordination of the weekly "Leitungsrunde", which serves as an internal exchange between the Executive Board and the various organizational units on current topics and measures.
The President's Office is also responsible for the preparation and follow-up of appointment and retention negotiations as well as their monitoring.
Team and tasks
Office of Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl
Irene Brink

Phone: +49 541 969 4104
Room: 13/111
Neuer Graben/Schloss
49069 Osnabrück