Data Protection and IT Security Unit

The topic of data protection is of great importance to the university as a teaching institution, employer and research institution.

The Data Protection Officer works to ensure compliance with data protection regulations and supports the university in ensuring data protection.

At the same time, the data protection officer is the point of contact for university members in data protection matters.

As a public body, the university must implement the data protection requirements of the GDPR as well as national and state laws in its structures and processes.

If you have any questions about data protection issues, please contact the Data Protection Officer at any time.

Address and contact

Nelson-Mandela-Straße 4
49076 Osnabrück
Building 94, 1st floor

 To the site plan

Dipl.-Kfm. Björn Voitel

Room: 94/122
 +49 541 969-7880

Service times

Mondays from 9 am - 12 pm and by appointment