Find a Place to Study Abroad
As you search for the most suitable university(ies) for your stay abroad, you should undertake the following considerations / conduct the following research:
- What language skills do I have or can I acquire at an adequate level (B1/B2) before starting my studies abroad? Does the host university offer a sufficient range of courses in English?
- What requirements apply to my degree program (e.g. when studying a modern foreign language)?
- Since a semester abroad as part of an exchange programme is the less complicated option in terms of organization and usually more cost-effective, you should initially check whether there are suitable universities available.
- If not, a self-organized stay as a free mover is also possible.
- What coursework do I have to complete during my semester abroad? Are there equivalent courses offered at my host university? (Research the courses offered at the respective host university and the discuss creditability with the university’s examination officer.)
- Create a priority list and discuss it with the International Office (in case of university partnerships) or the Erasmus+ departmental coordinators (in case of Erasmus+ partner universities).