International: Working in Germany

In the following, you find information and support offers for international students who wish to pursue a part-time job during their studies or enter the workforce after graduation.

"Make it in Germany" is a multilingual website provided by the German Government for qualified professionals from around the world who want to work in Germany. It offers information starting with the preparations in the country of origin to the arrival and first steps in Germany. Graduates can explore their work options in Germany, how best to organize their job search and what German application procedures entail.

The website contains compact guides on finding a job, visas, applications, etc. There are also expert and explanatory videos available as well as webinars on working in Germany. In addition, Make it in Germany offers an overview of important partner networks providing adidtional in-depth content.

Find more information at  Make it in Germany.

The German government’s official campaign for Germany as a study location also offers tips for a successful career start in Germany.

 Working during your studies

 Job and career

The Welcome & Connect Center Osnabrück is a place for anyone who is new to the city due to training, studies or a job. The center offers individual advice, onboarding tours, and regular community events. In particular, the onboarding tours and events give participants the opportunity to explore the city and network with others.

Find out more at the  Welcome & Connect Center Osnabrück.

Would you like to work at Osnabrück University during your studies or after graduation?

Explore your options at  Working at the university and discover current  Vacancies.

Find a suitable part-time job during your studies or an entry-level position after completing your studies via the  Osnabrück University notice board or the  Internal notice board on Stud.IP.

Three business people at work. Two women and a man sit in the office and work together.
© Halfpoint-;


Rouven Brinkmann, (they/them)

Foto Rouven Brinkmann, (they/them)
International Office

Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/112
Office hours: Di + Do 14-16 und nach Vereinbarung

 +49 541 969-4625

As an international student at UOS, do you have questions about finding and applying for a job in Germany and would like to know more about the regional job market?

Please contact Rouven Brinkmann.

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