
Ongoing projects

  • Andrey Gómez Jiménez, M.A. 
    School 7, Institute of Romance Studies / Latin Studies
    Working title: "Contexto actual de las manifestaciones literarias indígenas en Centroamérica, exclusiones e inclusiones: estudio crítico desde la epistemología, historiografía y sociología de la literatura".
  • Tracy Sánchez Pacheco
    School 8, Institute of Cognitive Science
    Working title:" Investigation of the effect of human avatars on spatial learning and spatial navigation in a virtual city including gaze behavior"
  • Mauricio Chaves Fernández, M.A.
    School 7, Institute of Romance Studies / Latin Studies
    Working title: "Representaciones del futuro en la literatura centroamericana contemporánea (2020-1989)"
Graduation cap over open books in a library room.
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Completed projects

  • Adrián Rojas Campos
    School 8, Institute of Cognitive Science
    Working title: "Deep Learning and Scientific Models: Complementing Dynamical Systems Using Artificial Neural Networks"
  • Esteban Durán Delgado, M.A.
    School 8, Institute of Psychology
    Working title: Characterization of attachment relationships in three ecosocial contexts in Costa Rica
  • Daniel Láscarez Smith, M.A.
    School 3, Institute of Education
    Working title: Analysis of the political and educational participation of business groups in the development of the vocational training system in Costa Rica