Find a janitor

The janitor teams of the Administrative Service for Facility Management are your first point of contact for questions about the buildings.
Their tasks include, among other things

  • Recording cases of damage
  • managing and issuing transponders and keys
  • traffic safety and security
  • Rescuing people from elevators

If you notice any damage or malfunctions in or on the buildings, please contact the janitor responsible!

City center location


  • 02: Seminarstraße 19 a/b (Geography)
  • 03: Lyrastraße 19/21 (IMIS)
  • 11: Castle Main Wing, Neuer Graben 29 (Protestant Theology, Music)
  • 12: Palace West Wing, Neuer Graben 29 (Administrative Service 2, Administrative Service 3)
  • 13: East Wing of the Palace, Neuer Graben 29 (ZBW, Communication and Marketing, Administrative Service 4, President's Office, Osnabrück Peace Forum Office)
  • 14: Castle North Wing, Neuer Graben 29 (Communication and Marketing, Print Shop, Organizational Development, Staff Council, University Society)
  • 15: Extension Building (EW), Seminarstraße 20 (Social Sciences, VirtUOS, Post Office)
  • 19: Neuer Graben 27 (StudiOS, ZSB, Administrative Service 5, International Office, KoPro, PATMOS, Unishop, Student Union)

Janitor in charge:

Adolf Klein

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Neuer Graben 29/Schloss
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 12/E01

 +49 541 969-4192


  • 07: Alte Münze 10
  • 08: Alte Münze 12 (Student Government)
  • 09: Alte Münze 14/16 (university library)
  • 10: Alte Münze 18 (University Library)
  • 41: Neuer Graben 40 (English and American Studies, German Studies, Romance Studies/Latin Studies)
  • 42: Heger-Tor-Wall 12 (Music)
  • 43: Heger-Tor-Wall 9 (Dean's Office Educational and Cultural Studies, Pedagogy)
  • 45: Katharinenstraße 7 (Business Administration and Economics)
  • 46: Katharinenstraße 5
  • 47: Katharinenstraße 1-3 (Information Management and Corporate Management)
  • 49: An der Katharinenkirche 8a (IKFN)
  • 51: Kamp 46/47 (Islamic Theology)

Janitor in charge:

Daniel Plogmann

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Alte Münze 14/16
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 09/E15

 +49 541 969-4580


  • 01: Kolpingstraße 7, HVZ
  • 04: Seminarstraße 33
  • 05: Große Rosenstraße 20 (Art, Textile Design)
  • 17: Schloßstraße 4 (Catholic Theology)
  • 18: Schloßstraße 8 (History Department)
  • 44: Süsterstraße 28 (European Legal Studies Institute)
  • 52: Neuer Graben 7/9 (Elementary Studies and Science, Equal Opportunities Office, ZLB, Language Center, ZePrOs, Administrative Service 7)
  • 53: Kolpingstraße 1a (Student Center)

Responsible janitor (deputy):

Daniel Plogmann

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Alte Münze 14/16
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 09/E15

 +49 541 969-4580


  • 20: Martinistraße 8 (Finance and Tax Law)
  • 21: Martinistraße 2-6 (Law and Economics Library)
  • 22: Heger-Tor-Wall 14 (Law, Business Administration and Economics)
  • 25: Martinistraße 10 (Law)
  • 26: Katharinenstraße 24 (Education Science)
  • 27: Martinistraße 12 (Municipal Law and Administrative Science)
  • 28: Katharinenstraße 13-15 (Commercial and Business Law)
  • 29: Rolandstraße 8 (Empirical Economic Research)
  • 55: Arndtstraße 32 (Education Science)

Janitor in charge:

Timm Domentat

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Heger-Tor-Wall 14
49078 Osnabrück

Raum: 22/E01

 +49 541 969-4250


  • 24: Jahnstraße 75 (Sport and Exercise Sciences, University Sports, nifbe)

Janitor in charge:

Nina Möller

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Jahnstr. 75
49080 Osnabrück

Room: 24/E13

 +49 541 969-4294


  • 11: Castle main wing; event management inner city area

Janitor in charge:

Wolfgang Klanke

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Neuer Graben 29/Schloss
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 11/E05

 +49 541 969-4054

Location Westerberg


  • 31: Albrechtstraße 28, AVZ
  • 61: Albrechtstraße 29 (Botanical Garden)
  • 62: Albrechtstraße 29 (joiner's workshop)
  • 63: Albrechtstraße 29 (Botanical Garden)
  • 64: Albrechtstraße 29 (Botanical Garden, Green School, Rainforest House, Bohnenkamp House)
  • 66: Barbarastrasse 12 (Applied Systems Science, Environmental Systems Research IUSF)
  • 69: Albrechtstraße 28a (Mathematics, Philosophy)
  • 75: Lise-Meitner-Straße 3 (Psychology)
  • 93: Nelson-Mandela-Straße 13 (Health Sciences)

Janitor in charge:

Jürgen Hadamschäck

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Nelson-Mandela-Straße 13
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 93/E36

 +49 541 969-2571


  • 32: Barbarastrasse 7 (physics, occupational safety and hazardous materials management, electronics/IT workshop)
  • 33: Barbarastrasse 7 (precision mechanics workshop)
  • 34: Barbarastrasse 7 (Chemistry)
  • 50: Wachsbleiche 27 (Computer Science, Cognitive Science)

Janitor in charge:

Thomas Geertsen

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Barbarastraße 7
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 32/105

 +49 541 969-2627


  • 35: Barbarastrasse 11 (Biology, Explain-OS student laboratory, SFB 944)
  • 36: Barbarastrasse 11 (Biology)
  • 37: Barbarastrasse 11 (Biology)
  • 38: Barbarastrasse 11 (CellNanOs)
  • 39: Barbarastrasse 10 (children's bungalow)
  • 67: Barbarastrasse 13 (Biology)

Janitor in charge:

Heike Wolf

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Barbarastraße 11
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 35/E13

 +49 541 969-2826


  • 68: Artilleriestraße 34 (Psychology, nifbe)
  • 71: Sedanstraße 1 (Psychosocial Counseling Center)
  • 73: Friedrich-Janssen-Straße 1 (Computer Science)
  • 94: Nelson-Mandela-Str. 4 (Computer Center)
  • 95: Nelson-Mandela-Str. 2 (Administrative Service 6)
  • 96: Nelson-Mandela-Platz 1 (University Library, Science and Mathematics Library)

Janitor in charge:

Patrick Jurkovic

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Nelson-Mandela-Platz 1
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 96/E13

 +49 541 969-7282