The cooperation project between Osnabrück University and Paderborn University, which has now been launched and will run for two years, focuses on religious education and didactic issues from an Islamic theological perspective. AIWG stands for Academy for Islam in Science and Society.
"For the first time, this project workshop will bring together Muslim stakeholders from different phases of teacher training and from schools and mosques to engage in a professional discussion about their experiences and perspectives on effective, sustainable learning processes in Islamic religious education," explains Dr. Annett Abdel-Rahman, Junior Professor of Didactics of Islamic Religious Education at Osnabrück University. The experiences of Jewish and Christian religious educators will also be taken into account. "Islamic religious education is thus reflected as part of the educational mission at public schools," says the researcher.
Among other things, the following questions need to be addressed: What is the relationship between Islamic religious education in schools and mosques? How is Islamic-religious education understood theoretically and implemented practically in these two places of learning? What ideas and goals does it follow - and are there different ideas here?In their research project, the academics will focus primarily on Lower Saxony, North Rhine-Westphalia and Baden-Württemberg, as many schools in these federal states offer Islamic religion as a subject in accordance with Article 7.3 of the Basic Law. At the end of the AIWG project workshop, a position paper is to be produced that formulates statements on the tasks and objectives of religious learning as well as on the relationship between the two places of learning, school and mosque.
In addition to the Institute of Islamic Theology at Osnabrück University (Annett Abdel-Rahman, Junior Professor of Didactics of Islamic Religious Education), the Institute of Islamic Theology at Paderborn University (Naciye Kamcili-Yildiz, Junior Professor of Islamic Religious Education/Didactics) and the Academy for Islam in Science and Society at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Dr. Raida Chbib, Managing Director) are also taking part in the project.
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Further information for editorial offices:
Prof. Dr. Annett Abdel-Rahman, Osnabrück University
Institute of Islamic Theology