Dean of Studies Teacher Education

The Office of the Dean of Studies for the interdisciplinary components of the Teacher Education degree programs(in short: Office of the Dean of Studies Teacher Education) is responsible for the following tasks:

  • Program management
  • Coordination of the courses offered
  • Student counseling
  • Organization of additional qualification courses

The Dean of Studies also acts as the examination board for the core curriculum for teacher education (KCL).

Applications to the Dean of Studies - e.g. for courses to be credited to the KCL - should be sent by e-mail to the   Dean of Studies Teacher Education.

The Office of the Dean of Studies consists of the Dean of Studies and an administrative staff member.

Currently, these are the following two people:

Prof. Dr. paed. Ingrid Kunze

Sebastian Ellinghaus

Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung (ZLB)

Neuer Graben 7 - 9
49069 Osnabrück

Room: 52/315
Office hours: Do 9-10 und n. V.

 +49 541 969-4478

The Dean of Studies Office is supported in its work by the Multi-Subject Examination Office PATMOS. PATMOS is the first point of contact for students with questions about exam registration in the KCL. The  PATMOS website lists the contact persons for the respective degree programs.

Current news will be announced in Stud.IP in the course  "Studiendekanat Teacher Education".