FAQ on the Extended Certificate of Good Conduct

Why is an extended certificate of good conduct required?

The Federal Central Criminal Records Act (BZRG)1, which came into force on May 1, 2010, introduced an "extended certificate of good conduct" that can be issued for persons who work or are to work in a professional, voluntary or other capacity with children or young people. The presentation of such a certificate of good conduct is intended to ensure that no persons with a criminal record for sexual offenses against children and young people are employed in child and youth work. Accordingly, all students must also submit an extended certificate of good conduct for all school internships.

1 Link to the  law

How, when and where do you apply for an extended certificate of good conduct?

The extended certificate of good conduct can be applied for by submitting a "Confirmation for submission to the Residents' Registration Office for the application for an extended certificate of good conduct in accordance with § 30a Para. 2 BZRG" and a valid identity card or passport. According to the Osnabrück Citizens' Registration Office, the certificate of good conduct is usually sent two weeks after the application has been submitted. Students who are registered in the city of Osnabrück should apply to the Bürgeramt Osnabrück, Stadthaus 1, Natruper-Tor-Wall 2, 49076 Osnabrück.1 Students who are not registered in the city of Osnabrück should apply to the relevant registration office at their place of residence. Alternatively, it is possible to apply for the extended certificate of good conduct directly on the website of the Federal Office of Justice.2 However, this requires a so-called online ID.3

1 Appointments can be made under  Appointment allocation

2 Apply for a certificate of good conduct online via the online portal for  certificates of good conduct and information from the central trade register

3 More detailed information on the online ID card can be found in the following flyer:  "Secure, simple, digital - the online ID card"

What costs are associated with the extended certificate of good conduct?

The issuing of a certificate of good conduct is generally subject to a fee. The fee is currently €13 and is charged when the application is made. However, a leaflet on fee exemption1 from the Federal Office of Justice provides information on the conditions under which you can be exempted from the fees and when this must be applied for.

1 Link to the  "Information sheet on charging fees for the certificate of good conduct"

Who can view the extended certificate of good conduct?

The extended certificate of good conduct will be sent to the applicant after the application has been submitted. It must be submitted to the internship school before the start of the internship without being asked. If this is not done, the internship school is authorized to refuse the internship to the intern. If there are entries in the extended certificate of good conduct, the head of the school shall decide whether the internship can be carried out. University employees do not have access to the extended certificate of good conduct.