Basic Subject Internship (BFP) and Advanced Subject Internship (EFP)
General information
As part of the Master's degree program Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium), two Teacher Education-related internships must be completed in the following order:
- Teaching Practice Phase I (BFP) = a five-week internship in the one subject, which is prepared by a preparation belonging to the module
- Teaching Practice Phase II (EFP) = a four-week internship in the other subject, with regard to which the requirements of the respective subject must be observed
However, the semesters in which preparatory courses are available, the requirements for participation and the extent to which you are expected to sit in on lessons or teach yourself as part of the internship may vary from subject to subject. Please enquire about this at an early stage with the respective contact persons in the subjects!
FAQ on the extended certificate of good conduct (BFP/EFP)
Frequently asked questions regarding the extended certificate of good conduct are answered on the following linked page:
FAQ on the extended certificate of good conduct
For students who wish to complete the BFP or EFP and register for it by the deadline, a "Confirmation for submission to the Residents' Registration Office for the application for an extended certificate of good conduct in accordance with § 30a para. 2 BZRG" will be issued and sent by e-mail in good time.
Reference to further materials and current information in StudIP
In the context of the BFP and EFP, students should also refer to the information and materials provided under "Files" of the StudIP course "Teaching-related internships" in the folder Fachpraktika Gymnasium (BFP/EFP)!
Regular periods of the school-based practical phases
Practical phases spring 2025:
BFP (Nds.): 24.2. - 28.3.2025
EFP (Nds.): 24.2. - 21.3.2025 (in case of self-search: alternatively also 3.3. - 28.3.2025)
BFP (NRW): 24.2. - 28.3.2025 or 3.3. - 4.4.2025
EFP (NRW): 24.2. - 21.3.2025 or 3.3. - 28.3.2025 or 10.3. - 4.4.2025
Practical phases summer/autumn 2025:
BFP (Nds.): 25.8. - 26.9.2025 (in case of self-search: alternatively also 1.9. - 3.10.2025)
EFP (Nds.): 25.8. - 19.9.2025 (in case of self-search: alternatively also 1.9. - 26.9.2025 or 8.9. - 3.10.2025 )
BFP (NRW): 1.9. - 3.10.2025
EFP (NRW): 1.9. - 26.9.2025 or 8.9. - 3.10.2025
Practical phases spring 2026:
BFP (Nds.): 9.2. - 13.3.2026
EFP (Nds.): 9.2. - 6.3.2026 (if self-seeking: alternatively also 16.2. - 13.3.2026)
BFP (NRW): 9.2. - 13.3.2026 or 16.2. - 20.3.2026
EFP (NRW): 9.2. - 6.3.2026 or 16.2. - 13.3.2026 or 23.2. - 20.3.2026
Practical phases summer/fall 2026:
BFP (Nds.): 24.8. - 25.9.2026 (in case of self-search: alternatively also 31.8. - 2.10.2026)
EFP (Nds.): 24.8. - 18.9.2026 (in case of self-search: alternatively also 31.8. - 25.9.2026 or 7.9. - 2.10.2026 )
BFP (NRW): 7.9. - 9.10.2026
EFP (NRW): 7.9. - 2.10.2026 or 14.9. - 9.10.2026
Practical phases spring 2027:
BFP (Nds.): 15.2. - 19.3.2027
EFP (Nds.): 15.2. - 12.3.2027 (in case of self-search: alternatively also 22.2. - 19.3.2027)
BFP (NRW): 15.2. - 19.3.2027
EFP (NRW): 15.2. - 12.3.2027 or 22.2. - 19.3.2027)
Next registration periods for BFP and EFP
Registration for the internship in summer & fall 2025:
from 5.2.2025 to 21.2.2025
For more detailed information, please refer to the files in the folder
/ Fachpraktika Gymnasium (BFP/EFP) / Fachpraktika Gymnasium Sommer / Herbst 2025 an allgem.bildenden Schulen / Anmeldeverfahren .
Registration for the internship in spring 2025:
The registration period has already expired.