Project Band

As part of the project volume, a research project with a school-related focus is carried out in one of the two teaching subjects (subject didactics or subject science) or in Education Science. This offers the opportunity to take up a specific question as an example and to work on it independently using suitable research and evaluation methods. On the one hand, a research cycle is run through (question, choice of method, processing, evaluation), on the other hand, the work remains closely linked to the practical field through the connection to the  practical phase.

The research project is prepared, carried out or accompanied and followed up in a module on the project volume. As a rule, students implement their research project during the practical block course. The school and university supervisors serve as contact persons. An appropriate presentation of the results is planned as part of the follow-up work.

Three different forms of research-based learning are offered at Osnabrück University, which differ in particular with regard to the focus of the qualification objective:

  • Action research aims in particular to develop professional reflective competence. Students develop their own research questions that represent what they are concerned with when they observe a school class and work in a professional field. This promotes reflective thinking and action.
  • The aim of school development research is to acquire basic evaluation skills. Students work on questions arising from their placement school and are thus prepared to carry out self-evaluations.
  • In subject-specific research, the focus is on developing academic research skills. By working on typical school and teaching research topics for this subject, students are given the opportunity to practice an academic habitus.

Not every subject offers all three forms of the project volume. However, every teaching subject and Education Science offers at least one module on one of the three variants of the project band, starting each winter semester. Which form or forms of the project band a subject can and wants to offer is decided by the subject itself, as this decision is essentially dependent on internal subject conditions.

Events belonging to the project volume in winter semester 2024/25

In order to make it easier to find the preparatory courses belonging to the project band modules of the subjects in StudIP, the offers reported to the ZLB in winter semester 2024/25 are listed below.

Subject Subject number Event title Date Lecturers
Biology 5.13917 Preparatory seminar - Interest & motivation in biology lessons Wed 14:00-16:00
Milan Büscher
German 7.410051 Preparation Project Band German [GER-PBFKomp.1] Fri 14-16 Dr. Anica Betz
German 7.410139 Project band German preparation course [GER-PBF Komp1] Fri 14-16 Dr. Judith Böddeker
English & French 7.120207 Project volume: Action research in foreign language teaching English and French; preparatory seminar "Observing foreign language teaching, analyzing interaction excerpts, discovering good practice" Thu 12-14 Bärbel Treichel
Education Science 3.1615 Preparatory seminar "Research-based learning" for the project volume: "School development research in Education Science" Tue 14:15-15:45 Prof. Dr. Sonja Nonte
Education Science 3.1616 Preparatory seminar "Learning through Research" for the project volume: "School Development Research in Education Science" Thu 10:15-11:45 Dr. Till Kaiser
Education Science 3.1617 Preparatory seminar "Learning through Research" for the project volume: "School Development Research in Education Science" (PB-1) Tue 16:15-17:45 Dr. David Paulus
Protestant Religion 3.470 Teaching religion Tue 16-18 Dr. Friederike Mühlbauer
History 2.266 Project volume "Forschendes Lernen" (GHR 300) - History: Preparatory seminar Thu 12-14 Dr. Hannelore Oberpenning-Kröger
Islamic religion 3.76501 Project volume I: Action research - Preparatory seminar - Digital learning in Islamic religious education 3 blocks 10:00-18:00
Yilmaz Gümüs
Catholic religion 3.577 GHR 300 Project Band Action Research Preparatory Seminar:
" Religionslehrer:in sein - Zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit "
Thu 10:00 - 12:00
Dr. Michael Balceris
Art 2.231 Project volume I GHR 300: Research-based teaching and learning in the subject of art Thu 12:00-14:00 Lukas Sonnemann
Mathematics 6.114 Preparation of project volume "Forschendes Lernen" - Mathematics Tue 10-12 Prof. Dr. Hedwig Gasteiger
Music 3.341 Teaching research music GHR - Preparation of the project volume "Forschendes Lernen Fri 14:00-16:00 Prof. Dr. Eva-Maria Tralle
Physics 4.350 Project tape (preparatory event) Tue 10-12 Prof. Dr. Roland Berger
Elementary Social Studies and Science 3.615 Preparation for MA project PB-FP Elementary Social Studies and Science Tue 14-16 Dr. Annkathrin Wenzel
Physical Education 3.2251 Preparatory seminar for the project volume "Research-based learning" Wed 14:00-16:00 Dr. Andrea Polzien
Textile design

The table summarizes the information provided to the ZLB.(as of 27.9.2024)
More detailed information on the individual courses can be found on StudIP.

In general, however, you should only be able to register for all these courses
during the following registration period

1.9.2024, 8:00 a.m. to 27.10.2024, 11:59 p.m.

These events are also linked to each other across subjects,
so that you can only register for one of the events at a time.

Andrea Mochalski

Foto Andrea Mochalski
Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung (ZLB)

Neuer Graben 7 - 9
49076 Osnabrück

Room: 52/313
Office hours: n. V.

 +49 541 969-6015