Department of Committee Matters and Legal Matters

Administrative Service 4 is divided into the following units:

The Legal Department: The Legal Department supports both the university management and the organizational units in legal matters. In addition, the Legal Department generally represents the University in legal disputes.

Committee, electoral and administrative matters: The Committee Affairs department is responsible for looking after the University's central committees such as the Senate, Presidential Board and University Council. Internal departmental committees are not administered here. The Electoral Affairs department organizes the elections for the Senate and the university's school executive boards. Administrative Affairs includes cross-university administrative tasks such as the commissioner system, official gazettes, organizational plans and seal management.

Central Services: Central Services includes the University Archive.

Address and contact

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück
Building 13 (east wing of the castle), 1st floor, right corridor
Phone:  +49 541 969-6039
Fax:  +49 541 969-4969

 Team and tasks / Who does what?

 To the site plan

Service times

Mornings: Mon - Fri from 9 am - 12 noon
Afternoons: Mon - Thurs from 2 pm - 3:30 pm
or by prior arrangement

Team and tasks

Head of department

Heidi Griefingholt

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/118

 +49 541 969-4655


Daniel Aleksandrovic Dudorov

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/122

 +49 541 969-4919

Sandra Di Grazia

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/123

 +49 541 969-6039

Daniel Aleksandrovic Dudorov

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/122

 +49 541 969-4919

All areas of law, in particular

  • General civil and contract law
  • data protection law
  • Occupational safety and environmental protection
  • Procurement, public procurement law
  • Internet law, telemedia law
  • Legal issues relating to construction and real estate law
  • Cooperation agreements from the area of responsibility of the International Office, other cooperation agreements
  • Copyright law, patent law, property rights and rights of use

Heidi Griefingholt

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/118

 +49 541 969-4655

All areas of law, in particular

  • Law on contributions, fees and charges
  • Appeals law
  • University law
  • Examination law

Carolin van Raamsdonk

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/122

 +49 541 969-4476

All areas of law, in particular

  • Promotion of education
  • Regulations of the institutes and central institutions
  • Foundation, association and company law, scholarships
  • Criminal law
  • Student body law, admission and access law

Holger Voigtländer

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/119

 +49 541 969-4787

All areas of law, in particular

  • Third-party funding law, cooperation agreements for scientific research projects
  • Personnel law/public service law

You can contact us at the following email address for all matters relating to the committee area:

Kathrin Meyer

Foto Kathrin Meyer
Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/121

 +49 541 969-4337

  • Head of department
  • Committee matters: Presidium as well as Presidium and Deans' Conference

Pia Wortmann

Foto Pia Wortmann
Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/124

 +49 541 969-4107

  • Representation of the department head
  • Committee matters: Senate, Election Committee, Internationalization Commission, Ombuds Committee, Permanent Investigation Commission; committee management system
  • Electoral matters: Preparation and implementation of elections (appointed election officer)

Sandra Hoffhaus

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/121

 +49 541 969-4427

  • General administrative matters: e.g. organization chart and business distribution plans, rules of procedure of the General Administration, determination of course periods, AMBL
  • Committee matters: ZSK, Ethics Committee; committee planning
  • Election matters: including DFG elections, support in the preparation and follow-up of elections

Petra Peping

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Neuer Graben 29
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/120

 +49 541 969-4003

  • General administrative matters: e.g. monitoring of the appointment procedure, appointments, seal management
  • Committee matters: ABS, AFH, FNK, University Council, KIK, KFE, Tenure Commission, ZKfG

Dr. phil. Thorsten Unger

Dezernat 4: Gremienangelegenheiten und Recht

Schloßstraße 29
49074 Osnabrück

 +49 541 33162-31