Mathematics - Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)

Dual-Subject Bachelor + Master of Secondary Education (Gymnasium)

Students studying towards a degree in Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) will first study the six-semester-long degree program dual-subject Bachelor. You are required to choose a further subject in addition to this subject. Subsequently, you have to take the four-semester-long degree program Master of Secondary Education (Gymnasium) in the same subjects, for which you must (re)apply. The Master of Education degree is a prerequisite for admission to the period of school-based training called the Referendariat.

Mathematics is a science of patterns that allows us to gain new insights through logical conclusions. It promotes the ability to solve problems and helps us to understand the world around us by providing a language with which everyday situations can be described and processed in a model-like manner. Mathematics thus provides the basis for various disciplines such as computer science and the natural sciences.


Standard period of study:
Bachelor: 6 semesters
Master: 4 semesters
Language of instruction:
Bachelor: admission-free
Master: admission-free
Start of studies:
Bachelor: winter semester
Master: winter semester and summer semester
depending on the weighting of the subjects Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) or Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Master of Education (M.Ed.)

Three people are looking at a book together and pointing at something. The woman in the middle is holding a second book with the title “Aritificial Intelligence”. In the background is a board with a graph.
© Jens Raddatz

Mathematics is a science of patterns that allows us to gain new insights through logical conclusions. It promotes the ability to solve problems and helps us to understand the world around us by providing a language with which everyday situations can be described and processed in a model-like manner. Mathematics thus provides a basis for various disciplines such as computer science and the natural sciences.

At Osnabrück University, the mathematics degree course for Teacher Education is characterized by close links to research and practice. The didactics of mathematics provides access to mathematical learning processes and deals with essential concepts for designing and analyzing meaningful learning opportunities for students of different abilities. Students should critically question their image of mathematics teaching from their own school days and develop it further against the background of current didactic research. They can test the knowledge gained from this in extensive practicals. There is also the opportunity to participate in mathematics didactic research projects.

The Master of Education qualifies you to enter the period of school-based training called the Referendariat and subsequently for a career as a school teacher.

A course of study in Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) is divided into several stages. After graduating with a dual-subject Bachelor’s degree, you are required to take a Master in Secondary Education (Gymnasium), for which you have to (re)apply. The Master of Education degree is a prerequisite for admission to the period of school-based training called the Referendariat.

In the dual-major Bachelor’s degree, you will either study two core subjects or combine a major with a minor subject. Information about possible subject combinations, the content of the program and general program schedules can be accessed at  Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasien).


Every degree has sets of regulations which govern access, admissions, examinations and the structure of the program. More concrete information on the structure of the program is provided here:

Study Program Plans

Study program plans are an example of how the degree program may be structured.

The degree course is organized in stages. It begins with the  dual-subject Bachelor's degree course. The Master's degree course "Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)" can then be completed, for which a new application is required. The Master's degree is a prerequisite for admission to the traineeship.

Exemplary study plan

Major subject - 84 Credit Points (CP)
1 Fundamentals of Algebra (Bachelor) - 18 CP Fundamentals of Analysis (Bachelor) - 18 CP Minor subject - 42 CP

Professional skills development area / core curriculum for teacher education (KCL) - 26/28 CP1

Internships 16/14 CP1

3 Probability theory - 9 CP2 Introduction to algorithms and data structures - 9 CP
4 Numerical Mathematics - 9 CP Seminar Mathematics (Bachelor) - 3 CP
5 Compulsory elective area (Bachelor) - 18 CP  
6 Bachelor's thesis - 12 CP
The Bachelor's thesis can only be written in the major subject.

Color codes:

Mathematics Compulsory elective area Mathematics Computer Science
Master: Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)

Students aiming to become Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) students subsequently complete the Master's degree program "Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)", which is a prerequisite for admission to the traineeship.

1 Second subject (previously major subject) (Mathematics) - 12 CP First subject (previously minor subject) - 48 CP Core curriculum for teacher education - 23 CP Internships - 14 CP
4 Master's thesis - 20 CP & colloquium - 3 CP  

Exemplary study plan

Core subject - 63 Credit Points (CP)
1 Fundamentals of Algebra (Bachelor) - 18 CP Fundamentals of Analysis (Bachelor) - 18 CP 2nd core subject - 63 CP

Professional skills development area / core curriculum for teacher education - 26/28 CP1

Internships 16/14 CP1

3 Probability theory - 9 CP2 Introduction to algorithms and data structures - 9 CP
4 Compulsory elective area - 9 CP  
6   Bachelor's thesis - 12 CP
The Bachelor's thesis can be written in the 1st or 2nd core subject

Color codes:

Mathematics Compulsory elective area Mathematics Computer Science
Master: Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)

Students aiming to become Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) students subsequently complete the Master's degree program "Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)", which is a prerequisite for admission to the traineeship.

1 1st core subject (Mathematics) - 30 CP 2nd core subject - 30 CP Core curriculum for teacher education - 23 CP Internships - 14 CP
4 Master's thesis - 20 CP & colloquium - 3 CP  

General information about university admissions may be accessed at  Admission Requirements. Applicants in possession of international certification must demonstrate sufficient levels of  German Language Proficiency.

Dual-Subject Bachelor

The German Higher Education Entrance Qualification (Abitur) entitles students to commence a first degree qualification at Osnabrück University. The term “first degree qualification” refers to a period of study that culminates in a student’s first professionally-relevant university degree (Bachelor’s degree or First Legal State Examination). Information about the conditions that apply for people seeking to embark on an undergraduate degree without the higher education entrance qualification may be found at  Studying without Abitur.

This program is not subject to admission restrictions.

Master of Education

Application for the Master's degree program Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium) requires a qualified dual-subject Bachelor's degree. Further information can be found in the  admission regulations for the Master's degree course.

This subject is free of admission.

All information pertaining to the application process may be found at  Application, Admission and Enrollment.

Dual-Subject Bachelor

German and international applicants with German certification can enroll directly for this subject that does not have admission restrictions. You can find all information on enrollment and the enrollment deadline for the desired semester under  Bachelor's degree programs (two subjects) - open admission.

Important: If one of the subjects in your chosen subject combination has admission restrictions and you are therefore obliged to submit an application for it, you must also enroll for the subject that does not have admission restrictions within the  Application Deadline for the subject that does have admission restrictions!

Please note: different application conditions and deadlines may apply for  Applicants with Non-German Certification!

Master of Education

German and international applicants can find all information about the application and the application deadline for the desired semester under  Master's degree programs (two subjects).

The examination regulations do not prescribe an obligatory period of study abroad. However, a number of  Options for Studying Abroad are available to you within a range of exchange programs. The  International Office will be happy to answer any questions you might have.

Studying at Osnabrück University means you will be subject to semester fees. Depending on how much of your study credit (standard period of study plus tolerance semester) you have used up, you may also have to pay long-term study fees. Additional information on this topic may be found at  How Much does Studying Cost?

This degree program has been accredited by the   German Accreditation Council.