Company/Social Internship (BSP)
More detailed information
In the following linked brochure you will find answers to many questions that may arise in the context of the BSP:
FAQ: "Company and social internship" (BSP) (PDF, 1.11 MB)
What is a company/social internship?
The company/social internship (BSP) is a four-week internship (160 working hours) that you can choose to complete in a business or company or in a social institution. According to the Lower Saxony MasterVO-Lehr (= Ordinance on Master's Degrees for Teaching Qualifications in Lower Saxony) of 02.12.2015, an internship in a company, in a preschool or social institution is required for all students aiming for a Primary Teacher Education (Grundschule), Secondary Teacher Education (Haupt- und Realschule) or Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)) in accordance with Section 9 (2) sentence 2.
Who has to complete a company/social internship?
As a rule, the BSP is mandatory for all students enrolled at Osnabrück University in the degree programs
- Bachelor of Education and Teaching (BEU)
- dual-subject Bachelor with the aim of a Master's degree in Teacher Education.
As a student who is assigned to the standard case, you cannot be exempted from completing the BSP. However, activities and occupations that are equivalent to the BSP can be recognized. (see below) Students of the Bachelor of Vocational Education do not need to complete a BSP.
When is the BSP completed? / Registration for the BSP
It is advisable to complete the internship that is part of the BSP during the lecture-free period between the first and second semester. Registration takes place online via Stud.IP in accordance with the specified deadlines. This is done as part of the course "BSP-WSXXXX/XY" or "BSP-SoSeXXXX", in which all students of the Bachelor BEU and the dual-subject Bachelor (with the aim of Secondary Teacher Education (Gymnasium)) must participate. Please register for the BSP course in Stud.IP. Technically speaking, registration takes place via the course questionnaire, which can be accessed via the "Overview" tab.
Change: Portfolio instead of internship report
From WS 2023/24, internship reports no longer have to be submitted. The internship reports will be replaced by the portfolio for reflecting on the internship or activity, which must be completed and uploaded via a protected folder on Stud.IP that can only be viewed by ZLB lecturers. The portfolio must be completed by all students, regardless of whether they are completing an internship or receiving credit for an activity. Individualized feedback is no longer provided.
The portfolio serves as official proof of study and is used for the acquisition of credits at Osnabrück University. In the process of forwarding personal data to the multi-subject examination office PATMOS for the registration of performance, the portfolio is reviewed quickly. A random, detailed check of the contents of the portfolio can be carried out.
The portfolio form that you must use can be downloaded from the BSP event under "Files" in the folder "1) Info material and portfolio form".
Regulations for students in the higher semester
The switch from internship report to portfolio also applies to students who are already in a higher semester, i.e. who started their studies before WS 2023/24. If you have just completed your internship but have not yet submitted an internship report, you have a choice: you can either complete the module by submitting your internship report as planned or you can switch to the portfolio. You can do this by having your four-week internship recognized in the new procedure and uploading the certificate from your internship position as proof.
If you have already worked in a company or social institution before or during your studies that corresponds to 160 working hours, you can have this time counted as an internship. You then no longer need to complete an internship, but must still submit a portfolio relating to this employment.
The 160 hours of work do not have to be completed in a block, but can also be added up through regular work (e.g. in the supervision of youth groups). You must be able to provide evidence of these hours in the form of meaningful documents, e.g. references, salary slips or certificates from your employer or place of employment. Please upload these documents in the Stud.IP course under "Files" in the folder "2) Belege Anrechnungen".
Dates and deadlines
Processes | Winter semester | Summer semester |
Submission of credit transfer applications | by December 15 | by June 15 |
Notification of approval or rejection of the application for recognition | by January 10 | by June 25 |
Submission of the application for the BSP | by January 10 | by June 30 |
Notification of approval or rejection of the specified internship position | by January 25 | by July 10 |
Recommended period for the BSP | Four consecutive weeks during the lecture-free period | |
Submission of the portfolio | by April 30 | by October 31 |
Students who complete/completed the internship in summer 2023 should use the following form for confirmation of the internship by the company:
Certificate of participation in company/social internship (PDF, 19.54 kB)