Eine illustrative Darstellung zeigt zwei Frauen, die mit einem lächelnden, älteren Mann sprechen, der im Rollstuhl sitzt. Zu ihren Füßen steht ein Hund und ein roboterähnliches Wesen mit einem medizinischen Gerät. Im Hintergrund ist ein großes Euro-Symbol zu sehen.

Science goes Public

Under the motto "Knowledge to join in, have a say and take part", the event in Osnabrück's Schlossaula offers insights into scientific research and the opportunity to participate and join in the discussion. The cooperative event between Osnabrück University and the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung presented itself with some new features this year.

The new concept

On February 7, 2025, the Science Goes Public presented itself with a new concept: in insightful short lectures, scientific questions were answered in just four minutes. Anyone who overstayed their welcome was given a red card - the trademark of the Science Goes Public. In addition, everything revolved around the highly topical subject of "care". In view of the increasing number of people in need of care in Osnabrück and dwindling contributions to care insurance funds, the subject of "care" is one of the most pressing issues of our time.

But it wasn't just researchers from the university who had their say: the new panel discussion on "AI and robotics in care - is that what we want?" was another highlight of the event. Experts from theory and practice discussed, among other things, the use and acceptance of assistance systems in everyday life, as well as ethical concerns about their use.

Moderated by University President Prof. Dr. Susanne Menzel-Riedl and the editor-in-chief of the Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung newspaper Louisa Riepe, scientific and personal perspectives came together in an entertaining 30 minutes.

And the audience's opinion was also in demand: vote, ask questions and comment! They were able to react to the event via a live poll.

The Science Goes Public Knowledge Forum offered an exciting encounter with science and the opportunity to discuss a relevant topic.

Vier Personen sitzen auf der Bühne und unterhalten sich. Eine Frau protokolliert die Gesprächsrunde.


The entire event was streamed live. The complete recording in German language is now also available on  YouTube.

Science Goes Public 2025


What is knowledge?
Katharina Lüth

Short scientific presentations
Responsibility: What do I owe my parents or my partner?
Prof. Dr. Susanne Boshammer

Nursing staff from Eastern Europe: An ethically viable path?
Prof. Dr. Helen Schwenken

What are the effects of merging nursing training programs?
Elena Radlingmayr

Avoiding nursing care: What helps?
Dr. Flora Sonsmann

Break with musical interlude

Short interview

Round table with graphic recording
Robot/assistance systems in care: Is that what we want?
Prof. Dr. Manfred Hülsken-Gießler, nursing scientist and professional educator at Osnabrück University
Dirk Tietz, head of outpatient care, day care and assisted living, Caritas Melle
Kerstin Lietmann, nurse in the outpatient care team, Caritas Melle


get together & musical interlude

A man holds up a round transparent box with colorful balls
© André Havergo

Science goes Public communicates science - with short lectures, in a round table discussion and hands-on activities.

Illustration of the cover page of the Osnabrück Knowledge Forum brochure

We are currently preparing the latest brochure. Here you will find all the exciting contributions to the Science goes Public 2022.

Your Contact Person

Dr. phil. Oliver Schmidt, Dipl.-Psych.

Foto Dr. phil. Oliver Schmidt, Dipl.-Psych.
Kommunikation und Marketing

Neuer Graben 29/Schloss
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/E20

 +49 541 969-4516