Quality Development in education of health care profession
The starting point for the main focus of the work and research is the project “AQiG - Ausbildungsqualität in Gesundheitsberufen” sponsored by the Robert Bosch Stiftung (2006-2011).
All professional associations in health care were involved to create a comprehensive handout for quality development at schools of health care professions.
Education institutions of health care professions will be consulted, evaluated and examined regarding quality development during continuing activities. Examples are the projects, supported by the Lower-Saxony Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, “Ausbildungsqualität in Gesundheitsfachberufen – Entwicklungsstand und Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten an Bildungseinrichtungen in Niedersachsen (AiG)“ (2013-2014) and “Netzwerk Qualitätsentwicklung in Gesundheitsfachberufen (NetQiG)“.