Goncharova, Anastasia, M. Sc.
Anastasia Goncharova, M. Sc.

School of Educational and Cultural Studies
Institute of Education
Department of Vocational Education Studies
Katharinenstraße 24
49078 Osnabrück
Room: 26/E05
Phone: 0541 969-4983
E-Mail: anastasia.goncharova@uni-osnabrueck.de
Since joining Osnabrück University as a research associate, I have had the opportunity to contribute to various international projects focusing on comparative research in vocational education and training (VET), specifically examining cases in China, Costa Rica, and Russia. These projects addressed themes such as competence development and competence-based approaches, curriculum research as well as teacher professionalization from a comparative perspective. During this time, I conducted research and contributed to the further development of the teacher professionalization program at the tertiary level, including the design and implementation of continuing education courses for ongoing and in-service teachers, with a focus on TVET research and the didactics of VET.
Currently, my research and work focus on Vocational Education for Sustainable Development. Specifically, I am involved in a project dedicated to the development and implementation of sustainability-related continuing education programs for vocational training personnel in the garden, landscape, and sports field construction sectors.
Research interests
- Competence Development in Vocational Education and Training (VET)
- Curriculum research
- Professionalization of VET Teachers
- Vocational Education for Sustainable Development
- Comparative Research in VET
- Professional Identity and Roles of VET Teachers
Membership of professional bodies
German Educational Research Association (GERA)
2018: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Master of Science
Program: Vocational Education and Educational Management
2015: Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg: Bachelor of Arts
Program: European Studies
Experience in industry
Before joining the university, I worked and completed internships with various companies and organizations. I gained experience in human resource development and contributed to diverse projects focused on business start-ups, digital skills development in vocational education, and consulting and supporting individuals with migration backgrounds in areas such as education, professional development pathways, and labor market integration.
International experience
In recent years, I have collaborated on international projects with partner universities in China, Russia, and Costa Rica, jointly conducting comparative research and developing educational programs.
Project CodeVET - Competence development in VET. A comparative analysis of intended and implemented curricula in the field of business administration
Project CoRiVET - Costa Rican Vocational Education and Training
Teaching responsibilities
Currently, I am teaching a course on the didactics of vocational education as part of the Master's degree program in vocational school teaching.