Completed Research Projects

Vocational Training in European Regions

Comparison of the vocational training systems in Lombardy and Lower Saxony with the aim of exploring approaches for the further development of the respective training systems.

Lead:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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Development of concepts and materials for career guidance for (prospective) teachers in vocational Teacher Education

Project management:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger
Contact:  Junior Prof. Dr. Silke Lange

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Competence development in VET. A comparative analysis of intended and implemented curricula in the field of business administration 

Lead:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger
Staff:  Anastasia Goncharova

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Development and testing of models and instruments for examination and certification in the context of dual vocational training programmes in Costa Rica

Lead:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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From industry to vocational schools

Lead:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

Deputy project management:  Prof. Dr. Silke Lange

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Teaching staff requirements

Determining the current and future demand for teachers in the nationwide industrial-technical Teacher Education program

Project management:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger
Contact:  Junior Prof. Dr. Silke Lange

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Development of a training and further education concept for sustainable development in dairy technology training

Lead:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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Attracting skilled workers from the rural Weser-Ems region and qualifying them for Vocational Teacher Education

Project management:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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Transfer of NaMiTec results on sustainable skills development to the dairy laboratory technician training occupation

Project management:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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The promotion of (self-)reflection competence to link theory and practice in teacher education - An intervention study with student teachers

Lead:   Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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Scientific monitoring of the BMBF funding guideline for the internationalization of vocational education and training

Project management:  Prof. Dr. Dietmar Frommberger

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