August, 29: Summer Party for University Staff

In beautiful weather, university employees and their families met in the Botanical Garden on August 29, 2024 and used the summer party for nice conversations and getting to know new colleagues! The event kicked off with a free anniversary cocktail for all registered guests. Many captured unforgettable moments in the "magic mirror" photo box or on the colorful selfie photo wall and tested their reactions on the interactive T-Wall, presented by Techniker Krankenkasse.

For our younger guests, instead of a cocktail, there was a warm welcome gift and a colorful children's corner with a sand play area, chalk and coloring books. The Green School team also invited children to take part in creative craft activities.

You can find more photos to download on the  intranet.

We thank our cooperation partners for the good collaboration!

  • 100% Cocktail
  • Wine Cabinet
  • Getränke Detmer
  • Arabesque
  • Goldene Kugel
  • Ice cream truck

Contact person

Daniela Räuwer

Foto Daniela Räuwer
Kommunikation und Marketing

Neuer Graben 29/Schloss
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 13/E07

 +49 541 969-6141