October, 26: Open Day

Time and location

The university’s Open Day took place on Saturday, October 26, in selected university buildings in the city center and on the Westerberg Campus.

The university used the Open Day to make research and science accessible to the general public! Everybody living in the city and the wider Osnabrück region was invited to attend. Parents of current students, prospective students, and schools were also cordially invited! From a science slam with young scientists in the Schlossaula to insights into the canteen kitchen at Mensa am Westerberg and an experiment on purchasing decisions, the visitors could immerse theirselves in a wide range of topics.

Video of the open day

Contact persons

Claudia Kirchner

Foto Claudia Kirchner
Dezernat 5: Studentische Angelegenheiten

Neuer Graben 27/ StudiOS
49074 Osnabrück

Room: 19/E17

 +49 541 969-4144

Michaele Lerche-Lohaus

Dezernat 6: Gebäudemanagement

Nelson-Mandela-Straße 2
Osnabrück 49076

Room: 95/113

 +49 541 969-2300