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[Translate to English:] Personen im Sprachkurs. Foto: Universität Osnabrück/Reimar Ott

Foreign Languages for Academic Purposes

The section "Foreign Language for Academic Purposes" at the Language Center of the University of Osnabrück offers a series of courses and workshops on Academic English (or English for Academic Purposes) - i.e., the type of English used for studying at university and disseminating research. The focus is on the specific language skills necessary for using Academic English proficiently as well as on the competencies required for effective and audience-based academic communication in writing and speaking. This includes considering how rhetoric and language usage is related to and embedded in cultural practices and values.

The courses offered, thus, cover topics related to the stylistic design, textual mechanisms, operative practices, and genre performance of academic texts - while also addressing how to manage and master language-related tasks in academic contexts.

The program addresses different target groups. Please follow the link below that best applies to you:

Courses for Master and Bachelor students in English language programs

Courses for Biology and Chemistry students

Courses for the Professionalisierungsbereich (in conjunction with KoPro)

Courses for Ph.D. students and Post-docs (in conjunction with ZePrOs)

Self-study app iPaca (in conjunction with Zentrum virtUOS)

Angebot des Sprachenzentrums > Akademische Fremdsprachenlehre > Englisch

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Frank Lauterbach, M.A.

Tel.: +49 541 969-6157

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