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Studying at a Partner University

(outside the ERASMUS+ Program)

The University of Osnabrück maintains partnerships with numerous universities around the world, at the university level as well as at the school and departmental level. Student exchange agreements mean that there are places available for Osnabrück students to study all over the world.


Broadly speaking, there are two types of exchanges, those between university departments and those which are open to all members of the university and which are not aimed at members of specific departments. The International Office is responsible for administering student exchanges at the university level. The contact persons for exchanges at the departmental level can be found under the list of exchange places (departmental level). Further information about the partner universities is also available on the websites of the individual universities. Please be advised that the final decision regarding admissions rests with the host university. You have no legal claim to a place at a partner university, nor do you have a legal claim to admission to a particular department or a certain level of study.

Please note that the Federal Foreign Office regularly issues travel advice, safety advice and travel warnings.

  • Travel advice includes information about a country’s entry requirements, medical information, and noteworthy aspects of criminal or customs law. They are regularly checked and updated.
  • Safety advice highlights any particular risks for travelers and Germans living abroad. It may include recommendations to refrain from or restrict any travel plans. If necessary, it may be advisable to refrain from all unnecessary travel or indeed from travelling altogether. Safety advice is also regularly checked and updated.
  • Travel warnings contain an urgent appeal by the Federal Foreign Office to refrain from travelling to a country or a particular region of a country. They will only be issued if there is an acute danger which requires a warning to be issued against travelling to a particular country or to a specific region of a country. Travel warnings are rarely issued. German residents in any country for which a travel warning is issued may be asked to leave the country.

Before and during your stay abroad, we recommend that you regularly check the security updates issued by the Federal Foreign Office (either on its website or using the travel app). As a German passholder, you should register in the „ELEFAND“ crisis prevention list.

Language skills

It is essential to possess a good knowledge of the language of instruction (at least B1, in some partner universities B2 or C1). When applying for a place at a partner university outside Europe, your language proficiency must usually be proven by a DAAD language certificate or a TOEFL test (at least 80 points; prerequisite for applications to the USA and Canada, frequently Australia) (see application documents overseas).

Personal Preparations

Before making your application, you should find out about the following:

  • Are there specific agreements relating to my field of study?

  • Which countries and universities do these include?

  • What is the education system and higher education system in the target country like?

  • Do I possess / how can I acquire the necessary foreign language skills?

  • Will my potential host university offer suitable courses for my studies?

  • Will the courses I take abroad be recognized here? In order to avoid disappointment, you should definitely coordinate the courses you intend to take with the person responsible for examinations in your department.


The host university will usually assist you in finding a place to stay.

Applying for a Leave of Absence

You should apply to Osnabrück University for a leave of absence for the duration of your stay abroad. However, if you plan to stay abroad for a full year or if your stay abroad is subsequently extended, you should either submit the standard registration for a new semester at Osnabrück University or reapply for a leave of absence.
Further information can be obtained from the Admissions Office.

Student Finance

Living and accommodation costs vary considerably depending on the host country. Tuition fees are waived for almost all students for whom places are found within the agreed exchange quota. In addition, some partner universities provide additional places upon payment of a reduced tuition fee (so-called “fee-paying places”).
Exemptions from payment or reductions in fees are always based on tuition fees alone (“tuition”). In some cases, you will be required to pay considerable administrative costs or other costs. These are currently listed on the homepages of the partner universities.
Students are expected to pay for their own accommodation, meals, travel, health insurance, visa fees and personal needs.

BAFöG recipients can receive support payments to help finance their stay. As a rule, a monthly overseas allowance is granted in addition to basic funding payments; travel expenses and where applicable tuition fees (up to a maximum of € 5,600) are also covered.

The International Office will be happy to advise you about the funding options for a period of study abroad. You can also use the DAAD scholarship database to research available scholarships yourself.

In addition, the International Office can provide you with advice and information on traineeships abroad, on working as a foreign language assistant abroad and how to finance your studies abroad with BAFöG overseas study grant.

Health Insurance

During a leave of absence, you remain enrolled at Osnabrück University; students are therefore generally covered by health insurance in Germany. However, German health insurance is not recognized in some countries, so you must take out additional private international health insurance. Information about German health insurance providers can be obtained from the health insurance companies; in most cases, foreign partner universities also offer a student insurance program, some of which are mandatory.

Student Visas

Students must apply for their student visa in keeping with standard procedures and not enter their chosen country of destination without a valid student visa.

Dates and deadlines

Applications must be submitted at the beginning of each year for the coming academic year.

The application deadline for stays abroad in the academic year 2025/26 is February 6th, 2025.
There is no separate application deadline for stays abroad in the winter or summer semester. The above mentioned application deadline therefore covers applications for both the WS 2025/26 and the SS 2026!

You must fill out an online application for the academic year 2025/26. In addition, you must also submit the paper printout of the online application and the written application documents to the International Office.

Required Documents for Applications in Europe

Online Application

Application Documentation Europe (Entire Document) (PDF, 205 kB)

Required Documents for Overseas Applications

Online Application

Application Documentation Overseas (Entire Document) (PDF, 285 kB)

Information Application Documentation Overseas (PDF, 337 kB)

Letter of Recommendation for Application Overseas (PDF, 67 kB)

Transcript of Records for Application Overseas (PDF, 52 kB)

DAAD Language Proficiency Certificate (PDF, 145 kB)

Info-Leaflet for DAAD Language Proficiency Certificate (PDF, 150 kB)

If the number of applications exceeds the number of available places or "fee-paying places", a selection committee will decide which applications are successful. The decision will be based on the following criteria: academic qualification of the applicant, his/her intended studies, their preparation and feasibility and student’s language proficiency.

Here you will find an overview of all places at universities on exchange programs.

Contact Person (Overseas):

Beate Teutloff

Tel.: +49 541 969-4126
Fax: +49 541 969-4495

Office: 19/E08
International Office
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Consultation hours:
Phone consultation: Mon 2-3.30pm, Tue 10-12am | Online consultation: Wed 2-3.30 pm, Thu 10-12am

Contact Person (Europe):

Laura Rohe, M.A.

Tel.: +49 541 9694708

Office: 19/E06
International Office
Neuer Graben 27
49074 Osnabrück

Consultation hours:
Phone consultation: Mon 2-3.30pm, Tue 10-12am | Online consultation: Wed 2-3.30 pm, Thu 10-12am