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Physics - Master of Science

Basic Information
Standard period of study:
Four semesters
Language of instruction:
Commencement of studies:
Winter and summer semester
Master of Science (MSc)
What characterizes the degree program?
The master's degree program in physics enables in-depth academic study with a specialization in a research area. The program offers close contact between research teams and students: beginning early-on in the program, it is possible to participate in work in experimental physics, theoretical physics, numerical physics, and teacher training for physics.
The consecutive disciplinary master's degree program is conceived as a research-oriented, full-time degree program that concludes with the degree of Master of Science. In addition to the classical focus areas of solid-state physics, optics, surface physics, computational physics, and theoretical physics, cross-disciplinary contact to neighboring disciplines is very important—particularly where physical aspects and mathematical-quantitative relations are important for modern research. This especially includes the areas of biophysics, physical chemistry, and nanostructured materials.
What kind of career can I have with this degree?
For physicists, fields of employment open up at universities, in large research institutes, in industry, in the software industry or in management consulting. Physicists with extensive knowledge of computer science are particularly wanted on the job market. Students who complete a bachelor's degree with a master's degree in computer science are also qualified for management and leadership positions in the above-mentioned professions and fields of work.
How is the degree program structured?
Regulations for the Degree Program
What are the admission requirements?
Admission requirements are a qualified bachelor’s degree in physics or a double major with a predominant proportion of courses in physics and an appropriate second major or thematically comparable degree program. Evidence of English ability must also be provided. Courses are held in English. You will find information about the admission requirements in the Regulations on Access and Admission.
How do I apply?
Please make sure you are informed in a timely manner about possible admissions restrictions and application deadlines for this degree program.
German citizens with German transcripts (Abitur) should apply directly via the online portal of Osnabrück University. The same applies to international applicants with German transcripts (foreign students who completed school in Germany).
For international applicants with foreign transcripts, application requirements apply that deviate in part from those for applicants with German transcripts.
Am I expected to study abroad?
The examination regulations do not require any study abroad. However, you can study abroad in the framework of various exchange programs Details about these programs are available through the International Office.
Where can I get more information?
Student Advising
You can get general information about studying, admissions requirements, and the structure of your degree program at the Study Counseling Service.
The counseling service offered by your department can answer concrete questions about the content of your studies.
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Quality Management
This degree program is accredited by the German Accreditation Council