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LehrZeit at Osnabrück University

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Application Form

You can find all the necessary information about the call for proposals in the Application Form (PDF, 68 kB)

Call for Applications for the next Round of the LehrZeit Program!

Deadline for Applications: November 30th, 2024!

The goal of the internal university program LehrZeit is to give students and instructors time to develop innovative ideas for their teaching. By the same token, the initiative aims to implement the Quality and Qualification targets for studies and teaching (Q-Ziele) at Osnabrück University—Scientific Rigor, Interdisciplinarity, Profile Development, and Personal Development. Just how creative these ideas can be was demonstrated by the award-winning projects (in German) from the first six rounds (2018 to 2023/24), which were presented online and at various events.

The new round of funding will see three project teams composed of students and instructors once again being awarded up to €25,000 each for one semester (Summer Semester 2025). The focus of this funding round is on projects and formats that take a creative approach to Q-Target 4: Personal Development and Civic Competence.

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